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Aleo Explorer

The "official" instance


A blockchain explorer for Aleo.

It contains a node that connects to another peer to fetch blockchain data. This node is NOT validating blocks. Only connect to peers that you trust.



  1. Import the database schema from pg_dump.sql.
  2. Configure through .env file. See .env.example for reference.
  3. Install aleo-explorer-rust to the current Python environment.
  4. Compile aleo-explorer-wasm, install to webui/static/rust{.js,_bg.wasm} with wasm-bindgen.
  5. Run

Use in docker

docker-compose up -d

(currently lacking pg_hint_plan)

A better frontend?

Yeah, I'm not really a frontend developer. I know it's ugly, but I'm focusing on features here.

You are welcome to contribute a better frontend, as long as you keep the current one as a function baseline reference. You can also create an entirely new frontend outside this repository; all you really need is the blockchain data in the database.

