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Chess-Backend ♟️



This is the backend server of the Chess app that handles http requests from the client to access the database for information and store new information.


This repository uses deno, as well as to run its files.

We use PostgreSQL to host our database.


The front end repository which is related to the servers can be found here. It is recommended that you create a folder and clone both the frontend and backend repos into the same folder.

Run the following command into your terminal to initiate the backend server:

deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write server.js

If you would like your deno script to run continuously, you can make use of the following commands:

deno install -qAf --unstable
deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write server.js

In order to run the node server which contains the socket for communication between the server and clients, use the following command:

nodemon chat.js

The frontend React application requires this backend server to be running to work correctly.

Database Schema

Users Database

We have also written tests to ensure production of the schema has been carried out as originally specified.


The Developers that worked on this project are:

Project Manager & Engineer: Yassin Serroukh
Architect & Engineer: Erik Boonprakong
Quality Assurance & Engineer: Megan Watson