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discordLLM - Running Large Language Models locally through discord

This repo allows you to chat with large language models, locally, through the comfortable Discord interface. Screenshot

Available models

Currently, you can talk to an uncensored version of the following models:

  • Falcon (7B parameters) (GGML 4Bit Quantization) (Uncensored)
  • LLaMA (7B parameters) (GGML 4Bit Quantization)
  • Vicuna (7B parameters) (GGML 4Bit Quantization) (Uncensored)
  • Guanaco (7B parameters) (GGML 4Bit Quantization)
  • MPT (7B parameters) (GGML 4Bit Quantization)

Getting started:

To begin using the model, you must download the weights for it. I have included a handy script that will automatically download the weights from HuggingFace.

Lets say i want to use the LLaMA model.

chmod +x
bash ./

then you must install the required dependencies for this to run.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Next, you must create a discord Developer application, and pass your token in the file. then you must make sure to have selected the model you have installed. Then, you may run the following command to start the bot



Commands must be executed with a prefix, the default prefix is "!" There are 3 available commands:

  • generate "a story about a beautiful butterfly" - generates the output
  • stop - stops generation
  • model - lists which model is currently being used for text generation

How is this possible?

Heres a writeup on my blog: