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Top 70 MATLAB Interview Questions


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1. What are the main features of MATLAB that make it suitable for machine learning?

MATLAB combines an intuitive interface with powerful tools specifically designed for handling ML algorithms, making it a popular choice for both researchers and industry professionals.

Core Features for Machine Learning

Interactive Environment

  • Command Window: Can be used to evaluate algorithms and perform ad-hoc data analyses.
  • Live Editor: Useful for authoring scripts, documenting steps, and visualizing data interactively.

Comprehensive Library

  • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox: Offers a rich array of tools, including both supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction.

  • Deep Learning Toolbox: Provides specialized modules for deep learning, such as neural networks, with support for GPU acceleration.

Preprocessing and Feature Engineering Tools

  • Toolbox functionalities like outlier identification, feature selection, and data transformation streamline data preparation.

Model Assessment and Validation Techniques

  • Techniques such as cross-validation, ROC analysis, and performance metric computation support in-depth model analysis.

Visualization Capabilities

  • Plots: Extensive library of statistical graphics and visualizations.
  • Practical visualizations provided by the classification learner app as well as the regression learner app, designed for exploring the data and outcomes of specific machine learning models.

Scalability and Parallel Computing

  • MATLAB's high-performance computing capabilities, access data in the cloud, and compatibility with distributed and cloud computing resources make it adaptable to larger datasets and complex tasks.

Code Generation and Sharing

  • With MATLAB, users can utilize automated code generation to convert their ML models and algorithms into C, C++, or CUDA code, enabling deployment on embedded hardware or applications that demand real-time performance.

Interoperability with Key Frameworks

  • Full compatibility with popular open-source libraries like Tensorflow, Keras, and OpenCV. Python and C++ also seamlessly integrate.

In-Built Support for Automated Parameter Selection

  • Automation tools for hyperparameter tuning like built-in tools in the Hyperband module, which help deal with the selection and optimization of hyperparameters in algorithms like SVM and decision trees.

2. Explain the MATLAB environment and its primary components.

Let's look at the primary components of the MATLAB environment.

MATLAB Components

Command Window

The Command Window is an interactive environment where you can enter MATLAB commands and see their results immediately.


The MATLAB Editor provides a more streamlined platform for writing, editing, and running MATLAB code. It includes features such as syntax highlighting, code suggestions, and debugging tools.


The Workspace serves as an interactive data repository. It lists all the variables currently in use and their values. You can manipulate data directly in the workspace or through MATLAB functions.

Command History

The Command History keeps a record of the commands you've typed in the Command Window. This feature allows you to recall and rerun previous commands, making iterative development and debugging more efficient.

Current Folder

The Current Folder gives you a view of the files in your MATLAB working directory. It provides easy access to files and folders for a streamlined workflow.


The Layout tab allows you to customize the MATLAB environment by arranging tool windows to best suit your workflow.

Help & Support

MATLAB offers extensive resources, including detailed documentation and integrated help features to assist users in understanding functions, syntax, and best practices.

Visualization Features

  • Figure Windows: MATLAB allows the creation of figure windows for visualizing data, plots, and graphical outputs.
  • App Designer and GUIDE: These graphical user interface (GUI) design tools allow the creation of custom user interfaces to interact with MATLAB code and data.
  • Live Scripts: An interactive mode for code execution, combining code, visualizations, and narrative text.

3. What is the difference between MATLAB and Octave?

While there are several similarities between MATLAB and Octave, especially in terms of syntax, many differences set the two apart:

Key Distinctions


  • MATLAB: Proprietary software that typically requires a paid license.
  • Octave: Open-source software, freely available for use in both personal and commercial settings.

Platform Compatibility

  • MATLAB: Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Provides a unified environment and full technical support.
  • Octave: Also compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux, but may have limited technical support.

Library Access

  • MATLAB: Offers a comprehensive library of toolboxes for various applications, but most require separate licensing.
  • Octave: Its ecosystem has robust community-contributed packages, some of which mirror MATLAB's toolboxes.

User Interface

  • MATLAB: Provides a polished integrated development environment (IDE) out of the box.
  • Octave: While it's flexible and customizable, the initial interface may seem less user-friendly.

Speed and Efficiency

  • MATLAB: Known for its optimized, high-speed matrix operations.
  • Octave: Due to its open-source nature, it might have slightly slower performance in some cases. However, for many applications, the difference is negligible.

Update Frequency

  • MATLAB: Receives regular updates and new features, often tied to software subscriptions.
  • Octave: Due to its open-source nature, there might be fewer frequent updates, with new features based on community contributions.


  • MATLAB: Has its unique file formats. While it can handle various data formats, conversions outside of its native formats might require additional tools or code.
  • Octave: Aims for complete compatibility with MATLAB file formats, making it easier to work across both platforms.

4. How do you read and write data in MATLAB?

In MATLAB, you can load and save data in various formats, from simple text to more intricate and binary files.

Text and Spreadsheet Formats

  • Import: readtable for Excel, importdata for CSV or TSV, textscan for custom text formats.
  • Export: writetable for Excel, writecell for cell arrays to CSV or TSV.

Binary Formats

  • Import: Use specific functions for each format, such as load for .mat files or fread for complex binary streams.
  • Export: Use functions dedicated to each format, such as save for .mat files or fwrite for more low-level control.

Specialized Data Import

  • Images: Use imread for commonly used formats like .png or .jpg.
  • Sound Files: Employ audioread and audiowrite for audio data from formats like .wav.
  • Video Files: In recent MATLAB releases, you can use VideoReader for reading video files.

Quick Examples

Here is MATLAB code for various data import/export tasks:

  1. Text from File to Cell Array:

    data = importdata('mydata.txt');
  2. Table from CSV:

    tableData = readtable('mydata.csv');
  3. Image to Array:

    imgArray = imread('myimage.png');
  4. Numeric Data to Binary:

    data = magic(5);  % Some numeric data
    fileID = fopen('mymatrix.bin', 'w');
    fwrite(fileID, data, 'double');
  5. Structures Saved and Loaded from MAT-Files:

    save 'myStructFile.mat' myStruct;
    clear myStruct;
    load 'myStructFile.mat';

5. Discuss MATLAB's support for different data types.

MATLAB is known for its variety of data types catering to everyday needs and complex research requirements.

Numeric Data Types

  • Single: Ideal for memory efficiency and performance.
    • Range: $10^{-38}$ to $10^{38}$
    • Precision: Up to 7 digits
  • Double: Default for many functions; for exact floating-point precision.
    • Range: $10^{-308}$ to $10^{308}$
    • Precision: Up to 15-16 digits.
  • Half: Reduced precision for specialized applications.

Example: Numeric Data Types

Here is the MATLAB code:

single_num = single(123.45);
double_num = 123.45;
half_num = half(123.45);
% Checking variable types

Character Data Types

  • char: Represents alphanumeric characters but can also be used for shorter strings.

Example: Character Data Types

Here is the MATLAB code:

% Using single quotes for char type
my_char = 'C';
% Checking variable type

Logical Data Types

  • logical: Representing logical 1 (true) or 0 (false).

Example: Logical Data Types

Here is the MATLAB code:

% Assigning logical value
is_valid = true;
% Checking variable type

Categorical Data Types

  • categorical: Useful for data that can take a limited, and usually fixed, number of unique values.
  • datetime: Specialized data type for handling dates and times.

Example: Categorical & Datetime Data Types

Here is the MATLAB code:

% Creating a categorical array
category = categorical({'A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'C'});

% Creating a datetime array
times = datetime('now');
% Checking variable types

Cell and Structure Data Types

  • cell: Designed to hold different types of data.
  • structure: Customized data type for bundling related data.

Example: Cell & Structure Data Types

Here is the MATLAB code:

% Creating a cell array
my_cell = {1, 'Hello', [2 3 4]};
% Creating a structure = 'John';
my_struct.age = 30;
% Checking variable types

6. How do MATLAB scripts differ from functions?

MATLAB scripts and functions both play vital roles in data manipulation and analysis. While they have many similarities, they also exhibit distinct characteristics.

Key Differences

Execution Method

  • Scripts: Individual units of code, executed from top to bottom. They are convenient for prototyping and script management.
  • Functions: Segregated units of code with defined inputs and outputs. They require explicit calls from other functions or the command line for execution.

User Inputs

  • Scripts: Can utilize user inputs from command-line prompts, but this is optional.
  • Functions: Formal parameters define the input requirements, which are essential for function execution.

Output Handling

  • Scripts: No formal return mechanism; the script can create graphical or textual outputs that are visible in the command line or in figures.
  • Functions: Explicitly designed to deliver outputs using the return keyword.


  • Scripts: Often lack in modularity as they operate as cohesive units.
  • Functions: Encapsulate specific tasks, offering modularity and reusability across projects.

Storage Location

  • Scripts: Typically standalone files.
  • Functions: Can be standalone or part of a script file, where they need to belong to the end of the script file.

Code Example: MATLAB Script and Function

Here's a MATLAB script to calculate and display the sum of two numbers, stored in the file calcSum.m:

% Script: calcSum.m
num1 = input('Enter first number: ');  % Prompt for user input
num2 = input('Enter second number: ');

result = sumNumbers(num1, num2);  % Call to function
disp(['The sum is: ' num2str(result)]);  % Display the sum

function sum = sumNumbers(a, b)
    % Definition of the function
    sum = a + b;

7. Explain the use of the MATLAB workspace and how it helps in managing variables.

The MATLAB Workspace is the environment where all your variables and data exist during a session. By monitoring the workspace using MATLAB's command window, you can manage your variables more effectively.


  • Visibility and Control: You can see what variables are in memory, their sizes, and types. This allows for more efficient memory management and helps avoid unwanted collisions or overwriting.

  • Diagnostic Tools: The MATLAB command window gives you instant access to the Diagnostic Toolstrip, which showcases plots, images, and other visualizations, helping you analyze and debug more effectively.

Managing the Workspace

Data Capacity

  • Limitations: MATLAB's workspace is finite, and RAM availability can also restrict the size of data that can be stored.

  • Solution: For larger datasets, alternate data storage methods such as mat-files, external databases, or structured binary files can be utilized.

Variable Types

  • Symbolic Math: Utilizes the syms function to designate symbolic variables and perform symbolic manipulations on them.

  • String Arrays: From MATLAB R2016b or later, you can use string arrays for better text handling.

Display Formats

  • Format Short: When enabled, displays variables in a more concise manner in the command window, especially useful for large arrays or matrices.

  • Format Long: This setting is the default and displays more detailed information and layout for values.

Clearing Workspace

  • clear: Removes specified variables from the workspace.

  • clear all: Clears the entire workspace.

Code Example: Workspace Management

Here is the MATLAB code:

% Generate example data
A = rand(10);
B = magic(5);
C = sym('c');

% View workspace content

% Enable format short
format short

% Display workspace

% Clear workspace
clear all

8. What are MATLAB’s built-in functions for statistical analysis?

MATLAB offers powerful built-in functions tailor-made for statistical analysis. These functions provide an array of features, ranging from basic summaries to advanced hypothesis testing and probability distributions.

Key Features

  • Core Statistical Functions: MATLAB includes essentials such as mean, variance, and standard deviation.
  • Distribution Fitting and Random Number Generation: Easily fit empirical data to known distributions and generate random numbers from multiple distributions.
  • Correlation and Regression Analysis: Quick methods for exploring relationships between variables.
  • Hypothesis Testing: Tools to make quantitative decisions for scenarios like A/B testing.

Standard Statistical Functions

Here is the MATLAB code for the standard statistical functions:

data = [3, 5, 7, 10, 12]; % Example data

% Mean
mean_value = mean(data);

% Median
median_value = median(data);

% Variance
variance_value = var(data);

% Standard Deviation
std_dev_value = std(data);

Distribution Fitting and Random Number Generation

MATLAB offers a comprehensive suite of probability distribution functions, including density, cumulative distribution, and inverse cumulative distribution functions.

Here is the MATLAB code for distribution fitting and random number generation:

% Generate 1000 random numbers from the normal distribution with mean 2 and standard deviation 3
rng('default'); % for reproducibility
data = normrnd(2,3,[1,1000]);

% Fit the data to a distribution (Normal in this case)
pd = fitdist(data', 'Normal');

% Calculate the probability density function (pdf) of the fitted distribution
x_values = -10:0.1:14; % Define x-axis values for plotting
y_values = pdf(pd, x_values); % Compute associated y-values

% Plot the data and fitted distribution
histogram(data, 'Normalization', 'pdf'); % Plot normalized histogram
hold on;
plot(x_values, y_values, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2); % Overlay fitted distribution
legend('Data', 'Fitted Distribution');
title('Fitted Normal Distribution');
ylabel('Probability Density');

% Generate a random number from the fitted distribution
random_number = random(pd);

Correlation and Regression Analysis

The corr function computes the correlation coefficient, while regress performs linear regression.

Here is the MATLAB code for correlation and linear regression:

% Example Data
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
y = [2, 4, 5, 4, 5];

% Compute Correlation Coefficient
correlation_coefficient = corr(x, y);

% Perform Linear Regression
X = [ones(length(x), 1), x']; % Design matrix
coefficients = X\y'; % Coefficients for the linear model: y = b0 + b1*x

9. Explain how matrix operations are performed in MATLAB.

MATLAB is optimized for matrix computations, making it an ideal tool for linear algebra, signal processing, data analysis, and machine learning.

Key Matrix Operations in MATLAB

  1. Matrix-Matrix Product: Uses the * operator.

    A = [3, 1; 2, 1];
    B = [2, 4; 1, 2];
    C = A*B;
  2. Element-Wise Multiplication: Uses the .* operator.

    A = [1, 2; 3, 4];
    B = [2, 0; -1, 5];
    C = A.*B;
  3. Transpose: Uses the single-quote ' operator or .' for conjugate transpose.

    A = [1, 2; 3, 4];
    B = A';
  4. Inverse:

    A = [1, 3; 2, 4];
    B = inv(A);
  5. Matrix Division:

    • Left Division (B/A) solves for $X$ in $AX = B$.
    • Right Division (A\B) solves for $X$ in $XA = B$.
  6. Diagonal Matrices:

    • Construct with diag.
    • Extract with diag.
    A = magic(3);
    D = diag(A);
  7. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors:

    [V, D] = eig(A);
  8. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD):

    [U, S, V] = svd(A);
  9. Sparse matrices: Optimized for datasets with many zero-elements.

    • Use sparse to declare a sparse matrix.
    • Conversion methods like full to change representation.
    A_full = full(A_sparse);
  10. Matrix Norms:

    norm(A);  % 2-norm (largest singular value)
    norm(A, 1);  % 1-norm (largest column sum)
  11. Solving Linear Systems:

    x = A\b;  % Solve AX = B for X
  12. Selection and Slicing:

    • Uses standard indexing, starting from 1.
    • Matrix concatenation with [].
  13. Matrix Power:

    A = [1, 2; 3, 4];
    B = A^2;
  14. Trace:

    tr_A = trace(A);

Vectorization for Efficiency

  • MATLAB employs vectorized operations, potentially improving performance.
  • It's recommended to leverage this feature by avoiding for loops and using matrix and element-wise operations whenever possible.

Errors and Singular Matrices

  • Inversion: MATLAB's inv might return the Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse for non-invertible or near-singular matrices if the computed matrix has small singular values.
  • Division: Division by zero or singular matrices can be handled by utilizing pseudoinverses or LSQ approximate solutions.

10. What are element-wise operations, and how do you perform them in MATLAB?

Element-wise operations involve performing an operation separately on each element of a matrix or array. This concept is central to vectorized computing, creating efficient, fast and concise code.

Element-Wise Operation List

  1. Square: Element-wise squaring

    • MATLAB: A .^ 2
  2. Addition: Adding a scalar to each element

    • MATLAB: A + 5
  3. Multiplication: Multiplying each element by a scalar

    • MATLAB: A * 0.5
  4. Exponential: Element-wise exponentiation

    • MATLAB: exp(A)
  5. Trigonometric Functions: Sine, cosine, tangent - element-wise

    • MATLAB: sin(A)

Advanced Operations

  • Dot Product: Element-wise product followed by sum

    • MATLAB: dot(A,B)
  • Cross Product: Element-wise and vectorized product

    • MATLAB: cross(A,B)
  • Matrix Multiplication: Standard matrix multiplication

    • MATLAB: A * B

11. How would you reshape a matrix in MATLAB without changing its data?

In MATLAB, you can reshape a matrix without altering its data with the reshape function. For example, you can transform a $3 \times 3$ matrix into a $9 \times 1$ vector, a $1 \times 9$ row vector, or a $9 \times 1$ column vector.

Sample Code

Here is the MATLAB code:

% Original 3x3 matrix
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];

% Flattened row vector
A_flat_row = reshape(A, 1, []);

% Flattened column vector
A_flat_col = reshape(A, [], 1);

% Column vector alternative
A_flat_col_alt = reshape(A.', [], 1);

% Emulate flattening
A_flat_manual = A.';

% Retain original shape
A_new = reshape(A_flat_manual, size(A));

% Display results
disp('Original 3x3 matrix:');
disp('Flattened as a row vector:');
disp('Flattened as a column vector:');
disp('Flattened as a column vector without transposing:');
disp('Restored from manual flattening:');

12. Discuss the uses of the 'find' function in MATLAB.

The find function in MATLAB is a powerful tool for array indexing and boolean-based querying. Whether you're manipulating arrays, applying logical operations, or need to identify specific elements, find offers a versatile and efficient solution.

1. Basic Usage

The primary role of find is to locate non-zero elements in a logical context or specific values in an array-like context.

A = [1 0 3 0 5];
idx = find(A); % Output: [1 3 5]

B = [10 20 30; 40 50 60];
[row, col] = find(B > 40);
% Output: row = [2; 2; 2], col = [2; 3; 3]

2. Advanced Features

  • Multiple Outputs: Bound two separate outputs to capture row and column indices, great for matrix operations.
  • Specific Modes: Operates in logical or index return mode, adjusting output type as needed.
  • Mask-Based Filtering: Use logical arrays to sieve through data, a technique especially helpful for non-numeric data.

3. Performance Considerations

Ultimately, the choice between find and vectorized logical indexing comes down to the proportion of non-zero elements and the data size. For smaller data sets, simpler approaches might fare better.

4. Code Example: Using 'find'

Here is the MATLAB code:

% Generating Example Data
matSize = 1000;
A = randi([0 1], matSize, matSize); % Random binary matrix

% Using find
tic, [r, c] = find(A); toc; % Timing the process

% Using Vectorized Logical Indexing
tic, [r_v, c_v] = find(A); toc; % Timing the process

13. Explain the concept of broadcasting in MATLAB.

Broadcasting describes the way MATLAB performs operations between arrays of different shapes or sizes.

How Broadcasting Works

  1. Equalizing Dimensions: MATLAB pads the smaller array with ones to match the size of the larger array along each dimension. For example, a $3 \times 1$ array might be padded to $1 \times 3$ or $3 \times 3$.

  2. Operating Element-Wise: After the dimension matching, MATLAB performs element-wise operations across all pairs of corresponding dimensions. If a dimension has size 1 in one array, it's effectively repeated to match the other size or form a singleton expansion.

  3. Memory Optimization: MATLAB doesn't create a new array during singleton expansion, which both conserves memory and improves computational efficiency.

An Example

Consider the operation $\mathbf{A} \cdot \mathbf{B}$, where:

$$ $$ \mathbf{A} &= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ \end{bmatrix} \\ \mathbf{B} &= \begin{bmatrix} 10 \\ 20 \\ \end{bmatrix} $$ $$

Due to different dimensions, MATLAB will adjust the arrays into broadcasting-compatible shapes before element-wise multiplication:

$$ $$ \bar{\mathbf{A}} &= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ \end{bmatrix} \\ \bar{\mathbf{B}} &= \begin{bmatrix} 10 & 10 & 10 \\ 20 & 20 & 20 \\ \end{bmatrix} $$ $$

After dimension adjustment, the operation becomes:

$$ \bar{\mathbf{A}} \cdot \bar{\mathbf{B}} = \begin{bmatrix} 10 & 20 & 30 \\ 80 & 100 & 120 \\ \end{bmatrix} $$

MATLAB also handles broadcasting in more complex scenarios, allowing for efficient operations between multi-dimensional arrays.

Visual Representation

Matlab uses the following example to illustrate how broadcasting is done.

A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; 
B = [1 0 1];
C = A.*B;

It helps visualize the broadcasting process with illustrations.

14. What is the purpose of the 'eig' function, and how is it used?

In MATLAB, the eig $A$ function is a core component of eigenvalue and eigenvector computation. It achieves this through characterizing the eigensystem of a given matrix.

For a given square matrix $A$, the eig function yields both the eigenvectors and eigenvalues. It's worth noting that the function's return format is different based on a few specific input parameters.

Core Functionality

  • Eigenvalues: The most straightforward application of the eig function generates only the eigenvalues:

  • Eigenvectors: You can obtain the eigenvectors alongside the eigenvalues. The syntax involves using two output variables:

    [V, D] = eig(A)

    Here, $V$ is the matrix of eigenvectors, and $D$ is the diagonal matrix with eigenvalues.

Equations and Methodology

The function utilizes various mathematical methods tailored to the matrix type. For instance:

  • Symmetric Matrices: Thanks to their symmetry, these matrices can be decomposed directly, typically exploiting the rotational equations to uncover the eigensystem.

  • General Matrices: Various algorithms come into play, like the QR iteration method and more refined strategies tailored to specific matrix characteristics.

Code Example: Eigenvalues & Eigenvectors

Here is the MATLAB code:

A = [4 2; 3 -1];
[V, D] = eig(A);

15. How do you create a basic plot in MATLAB?

To create a basic plot in MATLAB, you can use the plot function or its variants, such as stem for discrete data or loglog for logarithmic scales.

For this example, let's consider the simple function $y = x^2$.


Here is the MATLAB code:

% Generate Data
x = -10:0.1:10;
y = x.^2;

% Plot Data
plot(x,y, 'LineWidth', 2);  % Line thickness
title('Square Function - y = x^2');  % Add a title
xlabel('x');  % X-axis label
ylabel('y');  % Y-axis label

% Grid and Aspect Ratio
grid on;  % Turn on grid
axis equal;  % Set aspect ratio to 1:1


  • The LineWidth property controls line thickness.
  • title, xlabel, and ylabel add text to the graph.
  • axis equal ensures a 1:1 aspect ratio.

Other Plot Types

  • stem produces a discrete plot.
  • loglog displays data on logarithmic scales.
  • semilogx and semilogy show data on specific logarithmic axes.

Explore all 70 answers here πŸ‘‰ - MATLAB
