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Code Inspector

This is a Next.js project designed to provide an AI-powered explanation of code blocks. The project is bootstrapped with create-next-app and utilizes the OpenAI API, Prism.js for syntax highlighting, Firebase for user authentication, and content-filter-alpha API to protect from displaying any unsafe or sensitive text.

Web App

Link to Site

Built with

  • Next.js (React)
  • CSS
  • JavaScript / JSX
  • Node
  • Firebase


  • Generates explanation of code with AI
  • Provides user authentication with Firebase
  • Code syntax highlighted with Prism.js

Getting Started

To get started with Code Inspector, simply clone the repository and install the dependencies.

git clone
cd smartstudy
npm install

Once the dependencies are installed, you can now run the application.

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser. You can edit the page by modifying pages/index.js and the page will auto-update. Additionally, API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/hello.


To run this project, you need to create an .env.local file in the root of the project. Inside the file, you need to include your own private keys for the Firebase and OpenAI API.

For Firebase, you will need to include:


For OpenAI, you will need to include:


To learn more about Next.js and the project, take a look at the following resources: