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BuildAPKs GitHub *NAMES

The build.github*.bash commands use the ~/buildAPKs/var/db directory to assist in building APKs from GitHub. The db.BuildAPKs repository is this directory archived. The git repository db.BuildAPKs installs as a module into ~/buildAPKs/opt/db once is installed.

BASH command build.github.bash can attempt to build all the APK repos in a GitHub account on device today! When you find a GitHub username that builds with buildAPKs, consider adding to buildAPKs by submitting a pull request at db.BuildAPKs/pulls by adding to one or more of the *NAMES files, and to an appropriate ma.bash file with project source code commit reference if a project merits inclusion.

Two very simple pull requests can be submitted: One in db.BuildAPKs by adding a name to the corresponding *NAMES file or files, a login name in each corresponding file per GitHub account. The second pull request can be added in an appropriate BuildAPKs module repository by adding an _AT_ line in the suitable ma.bash file, one line of code per project. If a GitHub account has many interesting projects, then multiple buildAPKs module repositories can recieve pull requests regarding the same user's projects.

  1. To see the available ma.bash files you can use: find ~/buildAPKs/sources/ -type f -name ma.bash -exec cat {} \;

  2. The lines concerning individual APK projects in ma.bash are: grep -hr _AT_ ~/buildAPKs/sources/

The ma.bash file usage is: _AT_ login/repo commit and the file ~/buildAPKs/.gitmodules has information about each module repository. The modules located in ~/buildAPKs/sources/ contain module themed ma.bash files. Running ~/buildAPKs/build.buildAPKs.modules.bash will populate the .gitmodules file and the modules. The _AT_ function itself is located in grep -r _AT_ ~/buildAPKs/scripts/ after the corresponding modules have been cloned into the ~/buildAPKs directory.

Files var/db/[BEOU]NAMES may contain duplicate names. Depreciated file rm.dups.bash has more information.

Files ~/buildAPKs/var/db/[PRXZ]NAMES may also contain duplicate names. However, these files halt the build process. Remove the corresponding account name from the var/db/[PRXZ]NAMES file(s) and the ~/buildAPKs/sources/github/{orgs,users}/name directory to continue to attempt to process this Github login if BuildAPKs created this directory. Removing the corresponding ~/buildAPKs/sources/github/{orgs,users}/name directory and the name from the NAMES file(s) will continue the build process this Github login.

These files are located in ~/buildAPKs/var/db and their purpose is outlined in this table:

File Name Purpose
ANAMES †u user created listing for APK project names that will NOT be downloaded and built
BNAMES ∆ login names, download size, build time, number of AndroidManifest.xml files found and APKs built that built at least 1 APK on device
B10NAMES ∆ login names, download size, build time, number of AndroidManifest.xml files found and APKs built that built at least 10 APKs on device
B100NAMES ∆ login names, download size, build time, number of AndroidManifest.xml files found and APKs built that built at least 100 APKs on device
B1KNAMES ∆ login names, download size, build time, number of AndroidManifest.xml files found and APKs built that built at least 1000 APKs on device
ENAMES login names with exceptional APK projects
NUNAMES login names with possible new APKs that might migrate to ma.bash
GNAMES ∆ login names and login type pairs
ONAMES organization names whose APKs build in buildAPKs on device
PNAMES †∆ pending names that are NOT downloaded and built, but might transition to ONAMES, UNAMES and ma.bash
QNAMES ∆ accounts that have at least one AndroidManifest.xml file this file
TNAMES GitHub topics that build with buildAPKs on device
UNAMES login names names that have APK projects that build with buildAPKs on device
XNAMES †u user created listing for accounts that will NOT be downloaded and built
YNAMES †∆ accounts that have AndroidManifest.xml file(s), but did not build any APKs with buildAPKs
ZNAMES †∆ account names that have zero APK projects

† names and projects that are NOT built

u files for the user to edit

∆ system files

Awk can be used awk 'NR>=20 && NR<=46' ~/buildAPKs/var/db/ to view the *NAMES files table in this file.

Pull requests to the db.BuildAPKs database can be proposed here.

This command grep NAMES ~/buildAPKs/var/db/ | grep \| | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 1 | sort | uniq assists in maintaining the file name structure. These database files are being developed and may contain data pair types:

File Name Purpose
DNAMES ∆ login names and built date pairs
FNAMES ∆ login names and build time pairs
GNAMES ∆ login names and login type pairs
MNAMES ∆ login names and number of AndroidManifest.xml files pairs
SNAMES ∆ login names and download size pairs
WNAMES ∆ login names and built APK projects pairs
Other Files Purpose
mn.bash merge NAMES files from RDR/var/db into db.BuildAPKs
rm.dups.bash Depreciated: parses files for duplicate names

The command for i in $(awk '{print $6}' BNAMES) ; do j=$(($j+$i)) ; done && echo $j && unset i j will show how many APKs can be built from the BNAMES file.

Some source pages for NUNAMES:
Information about shells:

NOTE: Adding a token pair to ~/buildAPKs/.conf/GAUTH will increase the rate limit for authenticated users of GitHub. You can use this OATH token configuration file to enable OAuth authentication. To create an OAuth token, can be used. Insert a GitHub token pair seperated by a collen : into the first line of file GAUTH. File GAUTH has more information.