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chee committed Aug 12, 2019
1 parent 500d5e4 commit 14a922b
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Showing 7 changed files with 124 additions and 302 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions .eslintrc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module.exports = {
"env": {
"commonjs": true,
"es6": true,
"node": true
"extends": "eslint:recommended",
"globals": {
"Atomics": "readonly",
"SharedArrayBuffer": "readonly"
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 2018
"rules": {
64 changes: 27 additions & 37 deletions
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
# Create snoot
## the snoot maintenance module

This is the module used on the []( server for creating and working with snoots.
This is the module used on the []( server for
creating and working with snoots.

It's specific to the setup of that server and would need changes in order to be useful to anyone else, but the code is here should anyone ever want to look at it or reuse any of the code.
It's specific to the setup of that server and would need changes in order to be
useful to anyone else, but the code is here should anyone ever want to look at
it or reuse any of the code.

It would be nice to make the non-specific parts of it work without running in that environment, so one could have a local snoot setup, but that's not the focus right now.
It would be nice to make the non-specific parts of it work without running in
that environment, so one could have a local snoot setup, but

## commands

Expand All @@ -28,30 +32,32 @@ then it will ask for a `name`, and a `githubUsername`.
? what's their github username?

it'll grab their authorized_keys file from `${githubUsername}.keys`
it'll grab their authorized_keys file from

then it will let you edit their authorized_keys in your `$EDITOR` so you can add any
others you've been provided.
then it will let you edit their authorized_keys in your `$EDITOR` so you can add
any others you've been provided.

once it's gathered all that snoot data, it will create them a unix user with that `name`,
putting them in the groups `common` and `undercommon`. the `common` group owns some files
that every snoot needs to touch, and members of the `undercommon` group can only connect
_*directly*_ to `` via `sftp`. these snoot can still log in to their own container
with `ssh`. the user's home directory will be `/snoots/${name}`, which is only used during
`sftp` connections. it's used by `sftp` as a `chroot` root for that snoot.
once it's gathered all that snoot data, it will create them a unix user with
that `name`, putting them in the groups `common` and `undercommon`.

the tool will then create them a base application at `/www/${name}`. at
the moment this base application is defined in the [skeletons](
the tool will then create them a base application at
`/www/${name}`. at the moment this base application is defined
in the
file. in brief, it has:

* `snoot.json` — some meta data about a snoot
* `nginx.conf` — an nginx configuration that defers mostly to blocks defined at [snootclub/nginx.conf](
* `docker-compose.yml` — a docker-compose file with a server-bound `/application` directory, forwarding for ssh and http, autorestarting & a start script. it uses the latest [snootclub/snoot docker image]( as defined at [snootclub/docker-image on github](
* `application/ecosystem.config.js` — a [pm2]( start script.
* `application/package.json` — an [npm package manifest]( that uses [boop]( for `build`, `watch` and `install` and [zeit's micro]( for `start`
* `application/index.js` — entry point that defers to [boop](
* `application/` — a start script for the docker container
* `application/website/index.html` — a template html page that tells you how to access your new snoot
* `nginx.conf` — an nginx configuration that defers mostly to blocks defined at
* `application/package.json` — an [npm package
manifest]( that uses
[boop]( for `build`, `watch` and `install`
and [zeit's micro]( for `start`
* `application/index.js` — entry point that defers to
* `application/website/index.html` — a template html page that tells you how to
access your new snoot

then it binds👀 the `website` directory into the snoot's sftp chroot root

Expand All @@ -64,19 +70,3 @@ a few seconds later, the snoot has boot and is ready to toot
### snoot ls

list the names of all the snoot, separated by newlines.

### snoot enter <snoot>

enter a running snoot's container

### snoot start <snoot>

start a stopped snoot's container

### snoot stop <snoot>

stop a running snoot's container

### snoot each <command>

run a shell command in each snoot. the environment variable `SNOOT_NAME` will be available.
36 changes: 9 additions & 27 deletions commands/create-snoot.js
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ process.on("uncaughtException", error => {

function getKeysFromGithub (githubUsername) {
async function getKeysFromGithub (githubUsername) {
log("gonna get them an authorized_keys file from github")

return fetch(`${githubUsername}.keys`)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,43 +128,25 @@ module.exports = async function createSnoot () {

let snootWebsitePath = snoots.chrootResolver(snoot, "website").path

if (!await fs.pathExists(snootWebsitePath)) {
await fs.mkdirp(snootWebsitePath)

log("adding their authorized_keys ➕🔑 file so they can log in (:")
await snoots.createChrootSshConfiguration(snoot, {authorizedKeys})
await snoots.createHomeSshConfiguration(snoot, {authorizedKeys})

log("creating a bare git repo for them to live at /repo")
await snoots.createBareRepo(snoot)

let {
} = await snoots.getPorts(snoot)
log("giving them a gitconfig")
await snoots.createHomeGitConfiguration(snoot)

log("generating their base application files! 📠 🎰")
await snoots.createBaseApplication(snoot, {
await snoots.createBaseApplication(snoot)

log("binding snoots 👀")
await snoots.bind()

log("booting snoot container 👢")
await snoots.bootContainer(snoot)
await fs.move(

log("restarting nginx 🔂")
await"nginx -s reload")

if (!snootAlreadyExists) {
log("updating next snoot port 🌸")
await snoots.setNextPort(webPort + 1)

let beingRunDirectly = process.argv[1].match(/create-snoot($|\.js$)/)
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions jsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"lib": "es2019",
"compilerOptions": {
"downlevelIteration": true
134 changes: 16 additions & 118 deletions library/skeletons.js
Expand Up @@ -4,29 +4,20 @@ let inquirer = require("inquirer")

exports.files = {
logs: {},
"snoot.json" ({snoot, githubUsername, webPort, sshPort, authorizedKeys}) {
return JSON.stringify({
}, null, "\t") + os.EOL
"nginx.conf" ({snoot, webPort}) {
"nginx.conf" (snoot) {
return `server {
include /www/;
include /www/;
default_type text/plain;
server_name ${snoot};
access_log /www/${snoot}/logs/access.ssl.log;
error_log /www/${snoot}/logs/error.ssl.log;
access_log /www/${snoot}.access.ssl.log;
error_log /www/${snoot}.error.ssl.log;
location / {
include /www/;
proxy_pass http://unix:/www/${snoot}/application/sock:/;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
Expand All @@ -43,22 +34,6 @@ server {
server_name ${snoot};
return 301 https://${snoot}$request_uri;
"docker-compose.yml" ({sshPort, webPort}) {
return `version: "3"
image: "snootclub/snoot:soft"
working_dir: /application
- ./application/:/application
- ./repo:/repo
- "${sshPort}:22"
- "${webPort}:80"
restart: always
command: "/application/"
repo: {
Expand All @@ -78,17 +53,7 @@ npx @snootclub/post-receive`
"ecosystem.config.js" () {
return `module.exports = {
apps : [{
name: "snoot",
script: "npm start",
watch: true
"package.json" ({snoot}) {
"package.json" (snoot) {
return `{
"name": "${snoot}-application",
"version": "1.0.0",
Expand All @@ -97,13 +62,13 @@ npx @snootclub/post-receive`
"install": "boop",
"watch": "boop",
"build": "boop",
"start": "micro -l tcp://"
"start": "micro -l unix:sock"
"author": "${snoot} <${snoot}>",
"license": "GPL-3.0+",
"description": "${snoot} application on",
"dependencies": {
"@snootclub/boop": "^0.0.9",
"@snootclub/boop": "^0.0.14",
"micro": "^9.3.3"
Expand All @@ -116,37 +81,8 @@ module.exports = (request, response) =>
boop(request, response)
"" ({snoot}) {
return `#!/bin/sh
mv /application/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown root.root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
cd /application
npm install
npm run-script build
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
if [ ! -e .git ]; then
git init
git remote add origin ../repo
git branch -u origin/master
if $(git pull origin master); then
echo get your coat mate youve pulled
git config --global ${snoot}
git config --global ${snoot}
git add .
git commit -m "${snoot}'s snoot starts here"
git push -u origin master
tail -f /dev/null
"authorized_keys" ({authorizedKeys}) {
return authorizedKeys
website: {
"index.html" ({snoot, sshPort}) {
"index.html" (snoot) {
return `<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>${snoot}'s a snoot</title>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,57 +136,19 @@ tail -f /dev/null
if you are <strong>${snoot}</strong>, then you have two choices:
if you are <strong>${snoot}</strong>, you can now ssh or ftp into your account!
<h2>sftp into the server</h2>
this is if you only want to set up static files. anything
you drop in the website/ folder will be available publicly at ${snoot}
<li><code>sftp ${snoot}</code></li>
the page you are reading right now is the file located at
<h2>ssh into the ${snoot} container</h2>
this allows you to edit the whole application. you're a full
administrator and anything you set up to listen on port 80
will be available at this address.
<li><code>ssh -p ${sshPort}</code></li>
the page you are reading right now is the file located at
if you want to ssh in without remembering the port, adding
the below to the <code>~/.ssh/config</code> on your local machine
will let you access it by running <code>ssh snoot</code> in a terminal.
the page you are reading right now is the file located at
Host snoot
User root
Port ${sshPort}
the start script in your <code>package.json</code> will be run automatically.
it needs to create a unix domain socket called <code>sock</code> in
the application directory.
Expand Down

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