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Spanish Godfather arooarooaroo
livng life, enjoying peace and quietness and coding away
Pablo Almada pabloera
Pesquisador de Pós-Doutorado do Núcleo de Estudos da Violência (NEV-USP).

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo



DawnMV DaWnReBoRn

privat Tribsees

Nymbo Nymbo
Developer of SissyGPT, Chastitai, various uncensored AI systems.


Zhiwu Mao creatorMao

Hangzhou Zhejiang

Rob Rukawuba
Bridging the Gap | Crafting software solutions powered by data science and machine learning.

United States

kysr mahidulhq
Enne Rebeca EnneRebeca
Hello World... me chamo Enne, atualmente estudo Docker e Cloud e no tempo livre python, a minha paixão recente.

Vibe Tecnologia

John Marx TheKodingGuy
I didn't use ChatGPT to write my README

South Africa

Alperen Ersan wildabrek

Game and AI Works istanbul

BillyBat rewrite5
>Python developer in progress!<