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Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Python etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Anders Nielsen anielsen
Senior developer at Alipes Capital

cBrain A/S Copenhagen, Denmark

Vw Xyz JakRatchet

Open Holdings Group Limited

Youssef Samy y-samy
Freshman Student @ FoE Alexandria University

Alexandria, Egypt

Christopher Simon cjsimon
Aspiring computer scientist who strives to improve the lives of others through technology

Student California

Chris Moldenauer MoldyHacker
Full-stack developer always waiting for the next project to jump on.
Ahmed Clivern
Software Engineer

Cygnus X-1

Aaron Dolgin Aaron691

Project 691 Santa Clarita, CA


San Francisco, CA

Alexander Cafarella cafarella
Founder @meshplane, engineer, hw guy

@meshplane Melbourne, Australia

Noé Steiner unshade
French engineering student @ Telecom Nancy. Started my coding journey in 2020

Telecom Nancy France

Giovanni Lorenzini lorenzinigiovanni
Machine Learning Engineer Italy