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Irfan Sofyana Putra irfansofyana
Software Engineer

Xendit Indonesia

AnhTuPhi AnhTuPhi

Vndirect Securities Corporation Hanoi, Vietnam

Chao Li l1ch40
I am keen on Infra.

Beijing, China

Neel Maitra OPhamster
ice cream

clarisights Bangalore

Sean Velasco seanvelasco
The fool is the precursor to the savior


Aldo Wachyudi aldoKelvianto

@grab Jakarta, Indonesia

W. Yusuf Alvian yusufalvian
programmer. avid learner

McEasy Surabaya

Harisankar harisnkr
Software Engineer

Grab Singapore

Sunset SunsetWan
Life is like a box of chocolates,

Oozma Kappa