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Brandt Cormorant brandtcormorant
Diving deep beneath the waves to get some dinner; a designer/developer exploring decentralized digital currencies.
Zoe Braiterman zbraiterman
Data Science, Engineering, Information Security

New York, NY

Victor Aloaye erameh6
an enthusiastic coder
Everything we do not know about computers and money, combined.
Pat Blk goodnewsshow
DEV/MUE Inspired by coding. Music engineer, Guitarist, C++ (intermediate level), X-Series7, BS,MM,lic.7,6,63; Web3 dev beginner/intermediate level 02/20
Think Independently
Code it till you make it.

@MoreplexTv @Dev-Meets

Billgo billgo
I'm a full-stack web developer finding robust, accessible solutions. Try it and learn from err != nil.

@bridge5 @piucoin Singapore ⇄ Shenzhen

okhai.stark ( Tony Stark ) okhaimie-dev
Leveling up daily

DAOBox localhost:3001

DevelRocket develrocket
Full Stack Developer
Wowok Protocol wowok-ai
Create, collaborate, and transact on your own terms with the AI-driven web3 collaboration protocol.
Vasilis Balafas mpvasilis
💻 Software Engineer | 🎓Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Western Macedonia, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering.


xu xu8117
Full stack web developer, specializiing in mostly Java, but also write Js, Python and some other stuff.
Chesney Daal chesneydaal
Founder @daalware

@daalware The Hague, NL

0xriazaka 0xriazaka
Move Developer | Sui
V hellowebtest

Lviv, Ukraine

XuHappy china-xuhappy

ShangHai MinHang Distinct

yinheli yinheli
Java, Python and Go lead me to Rust


Muhammad Faisal werewolf2331

sghsb private limited Pakistan

Xeonacid Xeonacid

@ComputerScienceHIT China

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺