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June 2024
CHATGPT.SH(1) v0.59 \| General Commands Manual

NAME -- Wrapper for ChatGPT / DALL-E / Whisper / TTS

SYNOPSIS [-cc|-d|-qq] [opt..] [PROMPT|TEXT_FILE] -i [opt..] [X|L|P][hd] [PROMPT] #Dall-E-3 -i [opt..] [S|M|L] [PROMPT] -i [opt..] [S|M|L] [PNG_FILE] -i [opt..] [S|M|L] [PNG_FILE] [MASK_FILE] [PROMPT] -w [opt..] [AUDIO_FILE|.] [LANG] [PROMPT] -W [opt..] [AUDIO_FILE|.] [PROMPT-EN] -z [opt..] [OUTFILE|FORMAT|-] [VOICE] [SPEED] [PROMPT] -ccWwz [opt..] -- [whisper_arg..] -- [tts_arg..] -l [MODEL] -TTT [-v] [-m[MODEL|ENCODING]] [INPUT|TEXT_FILE] -HHH [/HIST_FILE|.] -HHw


With no options set, complete INPUT in single-turn mode of plain text completions.

Option -d starts a multi-turn session in plain text completions. This does not set further options automatically.

Set option -c to start a multi-turn chat mode via text completions and record conversation. This option accepts davinci and lesser models, defaults to gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct if none set. In chat mode, some options are automatically set to un-lobotomise the bot. Set option -E to exit on the first response.

Set option -cc to start the chat mode via native chat completions and defaults to gpt-3.5-turbo-0301, and may be set to use gpt-4 models.

Set option -C to resume (continue from) last history session.

Set option -q for insert mode. The flag “[insert]” must be present in the middle of the input prompt. Insert mode works completing between the end of the text preceding the flag, and ends completion with the succeeding text after the flag. Insert mode works with model gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct.

Positional arguments are read as a single PROMPT. Model INSTRUCTION is usually optional and can be set with option -S.

In multi-turn interactions, prompts prefixed with a single colon “:” are appended to the current request buffer as user messages without making a new API call. Conversely, prompts starting with double colons “::” are appended as instruction / system messages. For text cmpls only, triple colons append the text immediately to the previous prompt without a restart sequence.

With vision models, insert an image to the prompt with chat command “!img [url|filepath]”. Image urls and files can also be appended by typing the operator pipe and a valid input at the end of the text prompt, such as “| [url|filepath]”.

If the first positional argument of the script starts with the command operator forward slash “/” and a history file name, the command “/session [HIST_NAME]” is assumed. This will change to or create a new history file (with options -ccCdHH).

Set model with “-m [MODEL]”, with MODEL as its name, or set it as “.” to pick from the model list. List available models with option -l.

Set maximum response tokens with option-NUM” or “-M NUM”. This defaults to 1024 tokens.

If a second NUM is given to this option, maximum model capacity will also be set. The option syntax takes the form of “-NUM/NUM”, and “-M NUM-NUM”.

Model capacity (maximum model tokens) can be set more intuitively with option-N NUM”, otherwise model capacity is set automatically for known models, or to 2048 tokens as fallback.

If a plain text file path is set as the first positional argument of the script, the file is loaded as text PROMPT (text cmpls, and chat cmpls).

Option -S sets an INSTRUCTION prompt (the initial prompt) for text cmpls, and chat cmpls. A text file path may be supplied as the single argument. Also see CUSTOM / AWESOME PROMPTS section below.

Option -i generates images according to text PROMPT. If the first positional argument is an IMAGE file, then generate variations of it. If the first positional argument is an IMAGE file and the second a MASK file (with alpha channel and transparency), and a text PROMPT (required), then edit the IMAGE according to MASK and PROMPT. If MASK is not provided, IMAGE must have transparency.

The size of output images may be set as the first positional parameter in the command line: “256x256” (S), “512x512” (M), “1024x1024” (L), “1792x1024” (X), and “1024x1792” (P).

The parameter “hd” may also be set for image quality (Dall-E-3), such as “Xhd”, or “1792x1024hd”. Defaults=1024x1024.

See IMAGES section below for more information on inpaint and outpaint.

Option -w transcribes audio from mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, m4a, wav, and webm files. First positional argument must be an AUDIO file. Optionally, set a TWO-LETTER input language (ISO-639-1) as the second argument. A PROMPT may also be set to guide the model’s style, or continue a previous audio segment. The text prompt should match the audio language.

Note that option -w can also be set to translate audio input to any text language to the target language.

Option -W translates audio stream to English text. A PROMPT in English may be set to guide the model as the second positional argument.

Set these options twice, e.g. -ww, and -WW, to have phrase-level timestamps.

Combine options -wW with options -cc to start chat with voice input (Whisper) support. Additionally, set option -z to enable text-to-speech (TTS) models and voice out.

Option -z synthesises voice from text (TTS models). Set a voice as the first positional parameter (“alloy”, “echo”, “fable”, “onyx”, “nova”, or “shimmer”). Set the second positional parameter as the voice speed (0.25 - 4.0), and, finally the output file name or the format, such as “./new_audio.mp3” (“mp3”, “opus”, “aac”, and “flac”), or “-” for stdout. Set options -vz to not play received output.

Option -y sets python tiktoken instead of the default script hack to preview token count. This option makes token count preview accurate fast (we fork tiktoken as a coprocess for fast token queries). Useful for rebuilding history context independently from the original model used to generate responses.

The moderation endpoint can be accessed by setting the model name to text-moderation-latest.

Stdin text is appended to PROMPT, to set a single PROMPT.

While cURL is in the middle of transmitting a request, or receiving a response, <CTRL-C> may be pressed once to interrupt the call.

Press <CTRL-\> to exit from the script, even if recording, requesting, or playing TTS.

User configuration is kept at “~/.chatgpt.conf”. Script cache is kept at “~/.cache/chatgptsh”.

A personal OpenAI API is required, set it with option --api-key. See also ENVIRONMENT section.

This script also supports warping LocalAI, Ollama, Gemini and Mistral APIs.

For LocalAI integration, run the script with option --localai, or set environment $OPENAI_API_HOST with the server URL.

For Mistral AI set environment variable $MISTRAL_API_KEY, and run the script with option --mistral or set $OPENAI_API_HOST to “”. Prefer setting command line option --mistral for complete integration.

List models with option -l, or run /models in chat mode.

For Ollama, set option -O (--ollama), and set $OLLAMA_API_HOST if the server URL is different from the defaults.

Note that model management (downloading and setting up) must follow the Ollama project guidelines and own methods.

For Google Gemini, set environment variable $GOOGLE_API_KEY, and run the script with the command line option --google.

Command “!block [args]” may be run to set raw model options in JSON syntax according to each API. Alternatively, set envar $BLOCK_USR.

For complete model and settings information, refer to OpenAI API docs at

See the online man page and usage examples at:


1. Text completions

Given a prompt, the model will return one or more predicted completions. For example, given a partial input, the language model will try completing it until probable “<|endoftext|>”, or other stop sequences (stops may be set with -s).

Restart and start sequences may be optionally set and are always preceded by a new line.

To enable multiline input, set option -u. With this option set, press <CTRL-D> to flush input! This is useful to paste from clipboard. Alternatively, set option -U to set cat command as prompter.

Type in a backslash “\” as the last character of the input line to append a literal newline once and return to edition, or press <CTRL-V> + <CTRL-J>.

Bash bracketed paste is enabled, meaning multiline input may be pasted or typed, even without setting options -uU (v25.2+).

Language model SKILLS can activated, with specific prompts, see

2. Chat Mode

2.1 Text Completions Chat

Set option -c to start chat mode of text completions. It keeps a history file, and keeps new questions in context. This works with a variety of models. Set option -E to exit on response.

2.2 Native Chat Completions

Set the double option -cc to start chat completions mode. Turbo models are also the best option for many non-chat use cases.

2.3 Q & A Format

The defaults chat format is “Q & A”. The restart sequence\n Q: ” and the start text\n A:” are injected for the chat bot to work well with text cmpls.

In native chat completions, setting a prompt with “:” as the initial character sets the prompt as a SYSTEM message. In text completions, however, typing a colon “:” at the start of the prompt causes the text following it to be appended immediately to the last (response) prompt text.

2.4 Voice input (Whisper), and voice output (TTS)

The options -ccwz may be combined to have voice recording input and synthesised voice output, specially nice with chat modes. When setting flag -w, or flag -z, the first positional parameters are read as Whisper, or TTS arguments. When setting both flags -wz, add a double hyphen to set first Whisper, and then TTS arguments.

Set chat mode, plus Whisper language and prompt, and the TTS voice option argument: -ccwz  en 'whisper prompt'  --  nova

2.5 GPT-4-Vision

To send an image, or url to vision models, either set the image with the !img chat command with one or more filepaths / urls separated by the operator pipe |. -cc -m gpt-4-vision-preview '!img path/to/image.jpg'

Alternatively, set the image paths / urls at the end of the text prompt interactively: -cc -m gpt-4-vision-preview

Q: In this first user prompt, what can you see? |

2.6 Chat Commands

While in chat mode, the following commands can be typed in the new prompt to set a new parameter. The command operator may be either “!”, or “/”.

Misc Commands
-S :, :: [PROMPT] Append user or system prompt to request buffer.
-S. -. [NAME] Load and edit custom prompt.
-S/ -S% [NAME] Load and edit awesome prompt (zh).
-Z !last Print last response JSON.
! !r, !regen Regenerate last response.
!! !rr Regenerate response, edit prompt first.
!i !info Information on model and session settings.
!img !media [FILE|URL] Append image, media, or URL to prompt.
!url - [URL] Dump URL text (HTML filtering), optionally edit it.
!url: - [URL] Same as !url but append output as user.
!j !jump Jump to request, append start seq primer (text cmpls).
!!j !!jump Jump to request, no response priming.
!md !markdown [SOFTW] Toggle markdown rendering in response.
!!md !!markdown [SOFTW] Render last response in markdown.
!rep !replay Replay last TTS audio response.
!res !resubmit Resubmit last TTS recorded input from cache.
!sh !shell [CMD] Run shell, or command, and edit output.
!sh: !shell: [CMD] Same as !sh but apppend output as user.
!!sh !!shell [CMD] Run interactive shell (with command) and exit.
Script Settings and UX
!fold !wrap Toggle response wrapping.
-g !stream Toggle response streaming.
-l !models [NAME] List language models or show model details.
-o !clip Copy responses to clipboard.
-u !multi Toggle multiline prompter. <CTRL-D> flush.
-uu !!multi Multiline, one-shot. <CTRL-D> flush.
-U -UU Toggle cat prompter, or set one-shot. <CTRL-D> flush.
!cat - [FILE] Cat prompter as one-shot, or cat file.
!cat: - [FILE] Same as !cat but append prompt as user.
-V !context Print context before request (see option -HH).
-VV !debug Dump raw request block and confirm.
-v !ver Toggle verbose modes.
-x !ed Toggle text editor interface.
-xx !!ed Single-shot text editor.
-y !tik Toggle python tiktoken use.
!q !quit Exit. Bye.
!? !help Print a help snippet.
Model Settings
-Nill !Nill Toggle model max response (chat cmpls).
-M !NUM !max [NUM] Set maximum response tokens.
-N !modmax [NUM] Set model token capacity.
-a !pre [VAL] Set presence penalty.
-A !freq [VAL] Set frequency penalty.
-b !best [NUM] Set best-of n results.
-K !topk [NUM] Set top_k.
!ka !keep-alive [NUM] Set duration of model load in memory (ollama).
-m !mod [MOD] Set model by name, empty to pick from list.
-n !results [NUM] Set number of results.
-p !topp [VAL] Set top_p.
-r !restart [SEQ] Set restart sequence.
-R !start [SEQ] Set start sequence.
-s !stop [SEQ] Set one stop sequence.
-t !temp [VAL] Set temperature.
-w !rec [ARGS] Toggle Whisper. Optionally, set arguments.
-z !tts [ARGS] Toggle TTS chat mode (speech out).
!blk !block [ARGS] Set and add custom options to JSON request.
- !multimodal Toggle model as multimodal.
Session Management
-H !hist Edit history in editor.
-HH !req Print session history (see option -V).
-L !log [FILEPATH] Save to log file.
!br !new, !break Start new session (session break).
!ls !list [GLOB] List History files with name glob,
Prompts “pr”, Awesome “awe”, or all files “.”.
!grep !sub [REGEX] Search sessions (for regex) and copy session to hist tail.
!c !copy [SRC_HIST] [DEST_HIST] Copy session from source to destination.
!f !fork [DEST_HIST] Fork current session to destination.
!k !kill [NUM] Comment out n last entries in history file.
!!k !!kill [[0]NUM] Dry-run of command !kill.
!s !session [HIST_FILE] Change to, search for, or create history file.
!!s !!session [HIST_FILE] Same as !session, break session.

E.g.: “/temp 0.7”, “!modgpt-4”, “-p 0.2”, and “/s hist_name”.

2.7 Session Management

The script uses a TSV file to record entries, which is kept at the script cache directory. A new history file can be created, or an existing one changed to with command “/session [HIST_FILE]”, in which HIST_FILE is the file name of (with or without the .tsv extension), or path to, a history file.

When the first positional argument to the script is the command operator forward slash followed by a history file name, the command /session is assumed.

A history file can contain many sessions. The last one (the tail session) is always read if the resume option -C is set.

If “/copy current” is run, a selector is shown to choose and copy a session to the tail of the current history file, and resume it. This is equivalent to running “/fork”.

It is also possible to copy sessions of a history file to another file when a second argument is given to the command with the history file name, such as “/copy [SRC_HIST_FILE] [DEST_HIST_FILE]”.

In order to change the chat context at run time, the history file may be edited with the “/hist” command (also for context injection). Delete history entries or comment them out with “#”.

2.8 Completion Preview / Regeneration

To preview a prompt completion before committing it to history, append a forward slash “/” to the prompt as the last character. Regenerate it again or flush/accept the prompt and response.

After a response has been written to the history file, regenerate it with command “!regen” or type in a single exclamation mark or forward slash “/” in the new empty prompt (twice “//” for editing the prompt before new request).

3. Prompt Engineering and Design

Minimal INSTRUCTION to behave like a chatbot is given with chat options -cc, unless otherwise explicitly set by the user.

On chat mode, if no INSTRUCTION is set, minimal instruction is given, and some options auto set, such as increasing temp and presence penalty, in order to un-lobotomise the bot. With cheap and fast models of text cmpls, such as Curie, the best_of option may be worth setting (to 2 or 3).

Prompt engineering is an art on itself. Study carefully how to craft the best prompts to get the most out of text, code and chat cmpls models.

Certain prompts may return empty responses. Maybe the model has nothing to further complete input or it expects more text. Try trimming spaces, appending a full stop/ellipsis, resetting temperature, or adding more text.

Prompts ending with a space character may result in lower quality output. This is because the API already incorporates trailing spaces in its dictionary of tokens.

Note that the model’s steering and capabilities require prompt engineering to even know that it should answer the questions.

It is also worth trying to sample 3 - 5 times (increasing the number of responses with option -n 3, for example) in order to obtain a good response.

For more on prompt design, see:

See detailed info on settings for each endpoint at:


Input sequences “\n” and “\t” are only treated specially in restart, start and stop sequences!


When the argument to option -S starts with a full stop, such as “-S .my_prompt”, load, search for, or create my_prompt prompt file. If two full stops are prepended to the prompt name, load it silently. If a comma is used instead, such as “-S ,my_prompt”, edit the prompt file, and then load it.

When the argument to option -S starts with a backslash or a percent sign, such as “-S /linux_terminal”, search for an awesome-chatgpt-prompt(-zh) (by Fatih KA and PlexPt). Set “//” or “%%” to refresh local cache. Use with davinci and gpt-3.5+ models.

These options also set corresponding history files automatically.


1. Image Generations

An image can be created given a text prompt. A text PROMPT of the desired image(s) is required. The maximum length is 1000 characters.

2. Image Variations

Variations of a given IMAGE can be generated. The IMAGE to use as the basis for the variations must be a valid PNG file, less than 4MB and square.

3. Image Edits

To edit an IMAGE, a MASK file may be optionally provided. If MASK is not provided, IMAGE must have transparency, which will be used as the mask. A text prompt is required.

3.1 ImageMagick

If ImageMagick is available, input IMAGE and MASK will be checked and processed to fit dimensions and other requirements.

3.2 Transparent Colour and Fuzz

A transparent colour must be set with “-@[COLOUR]” to create the mask. Defaults=black.

By defaults, the COLOUR must be exact. Use the fuzz option to match colours that are close to the target colour. This can be set with “-@[VALUE%]” as a percentage of the maximum possible intensity, for example “-@10%black”.

See also:

3.3 Mask File / Alpha Channel

An alpha channel is generated with ImageMagick from any image with the set transparent colour (defaults to black). In this way, it is easy to make a mask with any black and white image as a template.

3.4 In-Paint and Out-Paint

In-painting is achieved setting an image with a MASK and a prompt.

Out-painting can also be achieved manually with the aid of this script. Paint a portion of the outer area of an image with alpha, or a defined transparent colour which will be used as the mask, and set the same colour in the script with -@. Choose the best result amongst many results to continue the out-painting process step-wise.


1. Transcriptions

Transcribes audio file or voice record into the set language. Set a two-letter ISO-639-1 language code (en, es, ja, or zh) as the positional argument following the input audio file. A prompt may also be set as last positional parameter to help guide the model. This prompt should match the audio language.

If the last positional argument is “.” or “last” exactly, it will resubmit the last recorded audio input file from cache.

Note that if the audio language is different from the set language code, output will be on the language code (translation).

2. Translations

Translates audio into English. An optional text to guide the model’s style or continue a previous audio segment is optional as last positional argument. This prompt should be in English.

Setting temperature has an effect, the higher the more random.



Extra options for the request JSON block (e.g. “"seed": 33, "dimensions": 1024”).

Script cache directory base.

Path to the user configuration file.


Path to a history / session TSV file (script-formatted).

Initial initial instruction, or system message.

Initial initial instruction, or system message for chat mode.








Set defaults model for each endpoint / integration.

Ollama host URL (used with option -O).


Custom host URL. The STATIC parameter disables endpoint auto selection.




OpenAI, GoogleAI, and MistralAI API keys.

Output directory for received images and audio.


Text editor for external prompt editing.


Clipboard set command, e.g. “xsel -b”, “pbcopy”.

Audio player command, e.g. “mpv –no-video –vo=null”.

Audio recorder command, e.g. “sox -d”.


The colour scheme may be customised. A few themes are available in the template configuration file.

A small colour library is available for the user conf file to personalise the theme colours.

The colour palette is composed of $Red, $Green, $Yellow, $Blue, $Purple, $Cyan, $White, $Inv (invert), and $Nc (reset) variables.

Bold variations are defined as $BRed, $BGreen, etc, and background colours can be set with $On_Yellow, $On_Blue, etc.

Alternatively, raw escaped color sequences, such as \e[0;35m, and \e[1;36m may be set.

Theme colours are named variables from Colour1 to about Colour11, and may be set with colour-named variables or raw escape sequences (these must not change cursor position).


  • Bash
  • cURL, and JQ


Optional packages for specific features.

  • Base64 - Image endpoint, vision models
  • ImageMagick - Image edits and variations
  • Python - Modules tiktoken, markdown, bs4
  • mpv/SoX/Vlc/FFmpeg/afplay - Play TTS output
  • SoX/Arecord/FFmpeg - Record input (Whisper)
  • xdg-open/open/xsel/xclip/pbcopy - Open images, set clipboard
  • W3M/Lynx/ELinks/Links - Dump URL text
  • bat/Pygmentize/Glow/mdcat/mdless - Markdown support
  • termux-api/play-audio/termux-microphone-record/termux-clipboard-set - Termux system


The script objective is to implement most features of OpenAI API version 1 but not all endpoints, or options will be covered.

Bash “read command” may not correctly display input buffers larger than the TTY screen size during editing. However, input buffers remain unaffected. Use the text editor interface for big prompt editing.

Bash truncates input on “\000” (null).

Garbage in, garbage out. An idiot savant.


Model Settings

-@, --alpha [[VAL%]COLOUR]
Set transparent colour of image mask. Def=black.

Fuzz intensity can be set with [VAL%]. Def=0%.

Unset model max response (chat cmpls only).


-M, --max [NUM[-NUM]]
Set maximum number of response tokens. Def=1024.

A second number in the argument sets model capacity.

-N, --modmax [NUM]
Set model capacity tokens. Def=auto, Fallback=4000.

-a, --presence-penalty [VAL]
Set presence penalty (cmpls/chat, -2.0 - 2.0).

-A, --frequency-penalty [VAL]
Set frequency penalty (cmpls/chat, -2.0 - 2.0).

-b, --best-of [NUM]
Set best of, must be greater than option -n (cmpls). Def=1.

-B, --log-prob [NUM]
Request log probabilities, also see -Z (cmpls, 0 - 5),

-K, –top-k [NUM]
Set Top_k value (local-ai, ollama, google).

--keep-alive, --ka=[NUM]
Set how long the model will stay loaded into memory (ollama).

-m, --model [MODEL]
Set language MODEL name. Def=text-davinci-003, gpt-3.5-turbo-0301.

Set MODEL name as “.” to pick from the list.

Set model as multimodal.

-n, --results [NUM]
Set number of results. Def=1.

-p, --top-p [VAL]
Set Top_p value, nucleus sampling (cmpls/chat, 0.0 - 1.0).

-r, --restart [SEQ]
Set restart sequence string (cmpls).

-R, --start [SEQ]
Set start sequence string (cmpls).

-s, --stop [SEQ]
Set stop sequences, up to 4. Def="<|endoftext|>".

-S, --instruction [INSTRUCTION|FILE]
Set an instruction text prompt. It may be a text file.

-t, --temperature [VAL]
Set temperature value (cmpls/chat/whisper), (0.0 - 2.0, whisper 0.0 - 1.0). Def=0.

Script Modes

-c, --chat
Chat mode in text completions, session break.

Chat mode in chat completions, session break.

-C, --continue, --resume
Continue from (resume) last session (cmpls/chat).

-d, --text
Start new multi-turn session in plain text completions.

-e, --edit
Edit first input from stdin, or file read (cmpls/chat).

-E, --exit
Exit on first run (even with options -cc).

-g, --stream (defaults)
Set response streaming.

-G, --no-stream
Unset response streaming.

-i, --image [PROMPT]
Generate images given a prompt. Set option -v to not open response.

-i [PNG]
Create variations of a given image.

Edit image with mask and prompt (required).

-qq, --insert
Insert text rather than completing only. May be set twice for multi-turn.

Use “[insert]” to indicate where the language model should insert text (gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct+).


Load, search for, or create custom prompt.

Set ..[PROMPT] to silently load prompt.

Set .?, or .list to list prompt template files.

Set ,[PROMPT] to edit a prompt file.


Set or search for an awesome-chatgpt-prompt(-zh). Davinci and gpt3.5+ models.

Set // or %% instead to refresh cache.

-T, --tiktoken


Count input tokens with python Tiktoken (ignores special tokens).

Set twice to print tokens, thrice to available encodings.

Set the model or encoding with option -m.

It heeds options -ccm.

-w, --transcribe [AUD] [LANG] [PROMPT]
Transcribe audio file into text. LANG is optional. A prompt that matches the audio language is optional. Audio will be transcribed or translated to the target LANG.

Set twice to get phrase-level timestamps.

-W, --translate [AUD] [PROMPT-EN]
Translate audio file into English text.

Set twice to get phrase-level timestamps.

Script Settings

--api-key [KEY]
Set OpenAI API key.

-f, --no-conf
Ignore user configuration file.

Edit configuration file with text editor, if it exists.


Dump template configuration file to stdout.

--fold (defaults), --no-fold
Set or unset response folding (wrap at white spaces).

Set Google Gemini integration (cmpls/chat).

-h, --help
Print the help page.

-H, --hist [/HIST_FILE]
Edit history file with text editor or pipe to stdout.

A history file name can be optionally set as argument.

Pretty print last history session to stdout.

Heeds options -ccdrR to print with the specified restart and start sequences.

Set thrice to print commented out hist entries, inclusive.

-k, --no-colour
Disable colour output. Def=auto.

-l, --list-models [MODEL]
List models or print details of MODEL.

-L, --log [FILEPATH]
Set log file. FILEPATH is required.

Set LocalAI integration (cmpls/chat).

Set Mistral AI integration (chat).

--md, --markdown, --markdown=[SOFTWARE]
Enable markdown rendering in response. Software is optional: bat, pygmentize, glow, mdcat, or mdless.

--no-md, --no-markdown
Disable markdown rendering.

-o, --clipboard
Copy response to clipboard.

-O, --ollama
Set and make requests to Ollama server (cmpls/chat).

-u, --multi
Toggle multiline prompter, <CTRL-D> flush.

-U, --cat
Set cat prompter, <CTRL-D> flush.

-v, --verbose
Less verbose.

Sleep after response in voice chat (-vvccw).

May be set multiple times.


Pretty-print context before request.

Set twice to dump raw request block (debug).

-x, --editor
Edit prompt in text editor.

-y, --tik
Set tiktoken for token count (cmpls/chat, python).

-Y, --no-tik (defaults)
Unset tiktoken use (cmpls/chat, python).

Synthesise speech from text prompt. Takes a voice name, speed and text prompt. Set option -v to not play response.

-Z, --last
Print last response JSON data.