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LLM Experiment Documentation

Table of Contents

Environment Setup

SWIFT supports the exp (experiment) capability, which is designed to conveniently manage multiple ablation experiments that need to be conducted. The main functions of the experiment capability include:

  • Support parallel execution of multiple training (export) tasks on a single machine with multiple GPUs (or a single GPU), and record information such as hyperparameters, training outputs, training metrics, etc. Tasks will be queued when the GPUs are fully occupied.
  • Support directly running evaluation tasks after training (or export), and record evaluation metrics.
  • Support generating a Markdown table for easy comparison of all metrics.
  • Support idempotent re-runs, and completed experiments will not be re-run.

This capability complements SWIFT's training, inference, and evaluation capabilities and is essentially a task scheduling capability.

Prepare Experiment Configuration

An example experiment configuration is as follows:

    "cmd": "sft",
        "gpu": "1",
        "ddp": "1"
    "eval_requirements": {
      "gpu": "1"
    "eval_dataset": ["ceval", "gsm8k", "arc"],
    "args": {
      "model_type": "qwen-7b-chat",
      "dataset": "ms-agent",
      "train_dataset_mix_ratio": 2.0,
      "batch_size": 1,
      "max_length": 2048,
      "use_loss_scale": true,
      "gradient_accumulation_steps": 16,
      "learning_rate": 5e-5,
      "use_flash_attn": true,
      "eval_steps": 2000,
      "save_steps": 2000,
      "train_dataset_sample": -1,
      "val_dataset_sample": 5000,
      "num_train_epochs": 2,
      "check_dataset_strategy": "none",
      "gradient_checkpointing": true,
      "weight_decay": 0.01,
      "warmup_ratio": 0.03,
      "save_total_limit": 2,
      "logging_steps": 10
    "experiment": [
        "name": "lora",
        "args": {
          "sft_type": "lora",
          "lora_target_modules": "ALL",
          "lora_rank": 8,
          "lora_alpha": 32
        "name": "lora+",
        "args": {
          "sft_type": "lora",
          "lora_target_modules": "ALL",
          "lora_rank": 8,
          "lora_alpha": 32,
          "lora_lr_ratio": 16.0
  • cmd: The swift command to run in this experiment
  • requirements: Configure the number of GPUs and the number of ddp (data parallel distributed processes)
  • eval_requirements: The number of GPUs used for evaluation
  • eval_dataset: The datasets used for evaluation. If not configured, no evaluation will be performed.
  • args: Parameters corresponding to the cmd command
  • experiment: Independent parameters for each sub-experiment, which will override the above parameters. Must include the name field to store experiment results

You can check this folder for examples of currently configured experiments.

Run Experiments

# Run in the swift root directory
PYTHONPATH=. nohup python scripts/benchmark/ --save_dir './experiment' --config your-config-path > run.log 2>&1 &

The --config parameter supports an experiment configuration file or a folder. When a folder is specified, all experiment configurations in that folder will be run in parallel.

After running the experiment, the log for each experiment will be recorded separately in the ./exp folder, and the experiment results will be recorded in the folder specified by --save_dir.

Collect Experiment Results

# Run in the swift root directory
python scripts/benchmark/

The experiment result logs are as follows:

=================Printing the sft cmd result of exp tuner==================

| exp_name | model_type | dataset | ms-bench mix ratio | tuner | tuner_params | trainable params(M) | flash_attn | gradient_checkpointing | hypers | memory | train speed(samples/s) | infer speed(tokens/s) | train_loss | eval_loss | gsm8k weighted acc | arc weighted acc | ceval weighted acc |
| -------- | ---------- | ------- | -------------------| ----- | ------------ | ------------------- | -----------| ---------------------- | ------ | ------ | ---------------------- | --------------------- | ---------- | --------- | ------------------ | ---------------- | ------------------ |
|adalora|qwen-7b-chat|ms-agent|2.0|adalora|rank=8/target=ALL/alpha=32/lr_ratio=None/use_rslora=False/use_dora=False|26.8389(0.3464%)|True|True|lr=5e-05/epoch=2|32.55GiB|0.92(87543 samples/95338.71 seconds)|17.33(2345 tokens/135.29 seconds)|0.57|1.07|0.391|0.665|0.569|
|adapter|qwen-7b-chat|ms-agent|2.0|adapter||33.6896(0.4344%)|True|True|lr=5e-05/epoch=2|32.19GiB|1.48(87543 samples/59067.71 seconds)|26.63(4019 tokens/150.90 seconds)|0.55|1.03|0.438|0.662|0.565|
|dora|qwen-7b-chat|ms-agent|2.0|lora|rank=8/target=ALL/alpha=32/lr_ratio=None/use_rslora=False/use_dora=True|19.2512(0.2487%)|True|True|lr=5e-05/epoch=2|32.46GiB|0.51(87543 samples/171110.54 seconds)|4.29(2413 tokens/562.32 seconds)|0.53|1.01|0.466|0.683|**0.577**|
|full+galore128|qwen-7b-chat|ms-agent|2.0|full|galore_rank=128/galore_per_parameter=false/galore_with_embedding=false|7721.3245(100.0000%)|True|True|lr=5e-05/epoch=2|47.02GiB|1.10(87543 samples/79481.96 seconds)|28.96(2400 tokens/82.88 seconds)|0.55|1.00|0.358|**0.688**|**0.577**|

You can copy the table into other documents for analysis.