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lint-staged does not detect changed files, skips scripts #1415

trusktr opened this issue May 14, 2024 · 4 comments

lint-staged does not detect changed files, skips scripts #1415

trusktr opened this issue May 14, 2024 · 4 comments


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trusktr commented May 14, 2024


lint-staged is not running scripts for modified files.

Steps to reproduce

Here's my husky `pre-commit` hook:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"

# If a previous commit attempt's stash still exists, notify, and exit.
(git stash list | grep COMMIT_HOOK_STASH) && echo "A previous git stash named "COMMIT_HOOK_STASH" exists. Please handle and remove the stash then try again." && exit 1

echo ""
echo "Undo dist changes..."
echo ""
git reset dist
git checkout dist

echo ""
echo "Stash unstaged/untracked files if any..."
echo ""
# commit staged changes temporarily
git commit --no-verify -m "TMP_COMMIT_HOOK_COMMIT"
# stash only untstaged and untracked files
git stash save -u COMMIT_HOOK_STASH
git reset --soft HEAD~

echo ""
echo "Status after stash:"
echo ""
git status

# See .lintstagedrc.js for the steps that will run at this point.
npx lint-staged --verbose --debug

# NOTE: After this, the post-commit hook will unstash the COMMIT_HOOK_STASH. See .husky/post-commit.
Here's my `.lintstagedrc.js` file:
const buildSteps = [
	"echo; echo 'Building src/'; echo",
	'npm run build:clean',
	"echo; echo 'Status after src/ build:'; echo",
	'git status',
	"echo; echo 'Staging dist/'; echo",
	'git add dist',
	"echo; echo 'Status after staging:'; echo",
	'git status',
	'exit 1',

export default {
	'./src/**/*': () => buildSteps,
	'./packages/**/*': () => ['npm run typecheck'],
Here's my husky `pre-commit` hook:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"

# unstash only if there was a stash
(git stash list | grep COMMIT_HOOK_STASH) && git stash pop

Debug Logs

Here's the output of `git commit`, which includes all output from the pre-commit hook, lint-staged, and the post-commit hook
❯ git commit -m "update cli to fix it from deleting JSX types in dist/, delete unused src/lib/ files" 

Undo dist changes...

Unstaged changes after reset:
D       dist/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSCurve.d.ts
D       dist/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/
D       dist/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSCurve.js
D       dist/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/
D       dist/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSUtils.d.ts
D       dist/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/
D       dist/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSUtils.js
D       dist/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/
Updated 8 paths from the index

Stash unstaged/untracked files if any...

[fix-dist-had-no-jsx-types e6518699] TMP_COMMIT_HOOK_COMMIT
 10 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 618 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/three/
 delete mode 100755 src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSCurve.d.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSCurve.js
 delete mode 100755 src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSUtils.d.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSUtils.js
Saved working directory and index state On fix-dist-had-no-jsx-types: COMMIT_HOOK_STASH

Status after stash:

On branch fix-dist-had-no-jsx-types
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        modified:   .husky/pre-commit
        modified:   .lintstagedrc.js
        modified:   package.json
        modified:   packages/cli
        deleted:    src/lib/three/
        deleted:    src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSCurve.d.ts
        deleted:    src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSCurve.js
        deleted:    src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSUtils.d.ts
        deleted:    src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSUtils.js
        modified:   yarn.lock

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
        modified:   packages/docsifyjs+docsify (untracked content)
        modified:   packages/element-behaviors (modified content)

  lint-staged:bin Running `lint-staged@15.2.2` on Node.js v20.6.1 (darwin) +0ms
  lint-staged:bin Options parsed from command-line: {
  allowEmpty: false,
  concurrent: true,
  configPath: undefined,
  cwd: undefined,
  debug: true,
  diff: undefined,
  diffFilter: undefined,
  maxArgLength: undefined,
  quiet: false,
  relative: false,
  shell: false,
  stash: true,
  hidePartiallyStaged: true,
  verbose: true
} +0ms
  lint-staged:validateOptions Validating options... +0ms
  lint-staged:validateOptions Validated options! +0ms
  lint-staged Unset GIT_LITERAL_PATHSPECS (was `undefined`) +0ms
  lint-staged:runAll Running all linter scripts... +0ms
  lint-staged:runAll Using working directory `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume` +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveGitRepo Resolving git repo from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume` +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveGitRepo Unset GIT_DIR (was `undefined`) +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveGitRepo Unset GIT_WORK_TREE (was `undefined`) +0ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'rev-parse', '--show-prefix' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveGitRepo Resolved git directory to be `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume` +7ms
  lint-staged:resolveGitRepo Resolved git config directory to be `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.git` +1ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'log', '-1' ] +8ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'diff', '--name-only', '-z', '--diff-filter=ACMR', '--staged' ] +5ms
  lint-staged:runAll Loaded list of staged files in git:
  lint-staged:runAll [
  lint-staged:runAll   '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.husky/pre-commit',
  lint-staged:runAll   '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.lintstagedrc.js',
  lint-staged:runAll   '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/package.json',
  lint-staged:runAll   '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/packages/cli',
  lint-staged:runAll   '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/yarn.lock'
  lint-staged:runAll ] +20ms
  lint-staged:searchConfigs Searching for configuration files... +0ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'ls-files', '-z', '--full-name', '-t' ] +7ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [
] +1ms
  lint-staged:searchConfigs Found possible config files: [
] +9ms
  lint-staged:loadConfig Loading configuration from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/examples/react-typescript/package.json`... +0ms
  lint-staged:loadConfig Loading configuration from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/examples/react/package.json`... +0ms
  lint-staged:loadConfig Loading configuration from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.lintstagedrc.js`... +0ms
  lint-staged:loadConfig Loading configuration from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/package.json`... +0ms
  lint-staged:loadConfig Successfully loaded config from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/package.json`:
  lint-staged:loadConfig null +0ms
  lint-staged:loadConfig Successfully loaded config from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/examples/react/package.json`:
  lint-staged:loadConfig null +2ms
  lint-staged:loadConfig Successfully loaded config from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/examples/react-typescript/package.json`:
  lint-staged:loadConfig null +0ms
  lint-staged:loadConfig Successfully loaded config from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.lintstagedrc.js`:
  lint-staged:loadConfig {
  lint-staged:loadConfig   './src/**/*': [Function: ./src/**/*],
  lint-staged:loadConfig   './packages/**/*': [Function: ./packages/**/*]
  lint-staged:loadConfig } +2ms
  lint-staged:validateConfig Validating config from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.lintstagedrc.js`... +0ms
  lint-staged:validateConfig Validated config from `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.lintstagedrc.js`: +0ms
  lint-staged:validateConfig {
  lint-staged:validateConfig   './src/**/*': [Function: ./src/**/*],
  lint-staged:validateConfig   './packages/**/*': [Function: ./packages/**/*]
  lint-staged:validateConfig } +0ms
  lint-staged:searchConfigs Found 1 config files +4ms
  lint-staged:groupFilesByConfig Grouping 5 files by 1 configurations +0ms
  lint-staged:chunkFiles Resolved an argument string length of 215 characters from 5 files +0ms
  lint-staged:chunkFiles Creating 1 chunks for maxArgLength of 131072 +0ms
  lint-staged:generateTasks Generating linter tasks +0ms
  lint-staged:generateTasks Generated task: 
  lint-staged:generateTasks {
  lint-staged:generateTasks   pattern: './src/**/*',
  lint-staged:generateTasks   commands: [Function: ./src/**/*],
  lint-staged:generateTasks   fileList: []
  lint-staged:generateTasks } +1ms
  lint-staged:generateTasks Generated task: 
  lint-staged:generateTasks {
  lint-staged:generateTasks   pattern: './packages/**/*',
  lint-staged:generateTasks   commands: [Function: ./packages/**/*],
  lint-staged:generateTasks   fileList: [ '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/packages/cli' ]
  lint-staged:generateTasks } +0ms
  lint-staged:makeCmdTasks Creating listr tasks for commands [Function: ./src/**/*] +0ms
  lint-staged:makeCmdTasks Creating listr tasks for commands [Function: ./packages/**/*] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn cmd: echo; +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn args: [ 'echo', 'Building src/', ';', 'echo' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn execaOptions: {
  cwd: '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume',
  preferLocal: true,
  reject: false,
  shell: false,
  stdin: 'ignore'
} +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn cmd: npm +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn args: [ 'run', 'build:clean' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn execaOptions: {
  cwd: '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume',
  preferLocal: true,
  reject: false,
  shell: false,
  stdin: 'ignore'
} +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn cmd: echo; +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn args: [ 'echo', 'Status after src/ build:', ';', 'echo' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn execaOptions: {
  cwd: '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume',
  preferLocal: true,
  reject: false,
  shell: false,
  stdin: 'ignore'
} +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn cmd: git +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn args: [ 'status' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn execaOptions: {
  cwd: '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume',
  preferLocal: true,
  reject: false,
  shell: false,
  stdin: 'ignore'
} +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn cmd: echo; +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn args: [ 'echo', 'Staging dist/', ';', 'echo' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn execaOptions: {
  cwd: '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume',
  preferLocal: true,
  reject: false,
  shell: false,
  stdin: 'ignore'
} +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn cmd: git +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn args: [ 'add', 'dist' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn execaOptions: {
  cwd: '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume',
  preferLocal: true,
  reject: false,
  shell: false,
  stdin: 'ignore'
} +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn cmd: echo; +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn args: [ 'echo', 'Status after staging:', ';', 'echo' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn execaOptions: {
  cwd: '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume',
  preferLocal: true,
  reject: false,
  shell: false,
  stdin: 'ignore'
} +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn cmd: git +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn args: [ 'status' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn execaOptions: {
  cwd: '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume',
  preferLocal: true,
  reject: false,
  shell: false,
  stdin: 'ignore'
} +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn cmd: exit +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn args: [ '1' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn execaOptions: {
  cwd: '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume',
  preferLocal: true,
  reject: false,
  shell: false,
  stdin: 'ignore'
} +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn cmd: npm +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn args: [ 'run', 'typecheck' ] +0ms
  lint-staged:resolveTaskFn execaOptions: {
  cwd: '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume',
  preferLocal: true,
  reject: false,
  shell: false,
  stdin: 'ignore'
} +0ms
  lint-staged:chunkFiles Resolved an argument string length of 41 characters from 1 files +2ms
  lint-staged:chunkFiles Creating 1 chunks for maxArgLength of 131072 +0ms
[STARTED] Preparing lint-staged...
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Backing up original state... +0ms
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Getting partially staged files... +0ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'status', '-z' ] +18ms
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Found partially staged files: [] +98ms
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Backing up merge state... +0ms
  lint-staged:file Reading file `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.git/MERGE_HEAD` +0ms
  lint-staged:file Reading file `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.git/MERGE_MODE` +0ms
  lint-staged:file Reading file `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.git/MERGE_MSG` +0ms
  lint-staged:file File `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.git/MERGE_HEAD` doesn't exist, ignoring... +0ms
  lint-staged:file File `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.git/MERGE_MODE` doesn't exist, ignoring... +0ms
  lint-staged:file File `/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/.git/MERGE_MSG` doesn't exist, ignoring... +0ms
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Done backing up merge state! +0ms
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Getting deleted files... +0ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'ls-files', '--deleted' ] +98ms
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Found deleted files: [] +5ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'stash', 'create' ] +5ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [
  'lint-staged automatic backup',
] +88ms
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Done backing up original state! +92ms
[COMPLETED] Preparing lint-staged...
[STARTED] Running tasks for staged files...
[STARTED] .lintstagedrc.js — 5 files
[STARTED] ./src/**/* — 0 files
[STARTED] ./packages/**/* — 1 file
[SKIPPED] ./src/**/* — no files
[STARTED] npm run typecheck
[COMPLETED] npm run typecheck
[COMPLETED] ./packages/**/* — 1 file
[COMPLETED] .lintstagedrc.js — 5 files
[COMPLETED] Running tasks for staged files...
[STARTED] Applying modifications from tasks...
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Adding task modifications to index... +2s
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'add', '--', '/Users/trusktr/src/lume+lume/packages/cli' ] +2s
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Done adding task modifications to index! +9ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'diff', '--name-only', '-z', '--diff-filter=ACMR', '--staged' ] +9ms
[COMPLETED] Applying modifications from tasks...
[STARTED] Cleaning up temporary files...
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Dropping backup stash... +5ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'stash', 'list' ] +5ms
  lint-staged:execGit Running git command [ 'stash', 'drop', '--quiet', '0' ] +7ms
  lint-staged:GitWorkflow Done dropping backup stash! +12ms
[COMPLETED] Cleaning up temporary files...
  lint-staged Tasks were executed successfully! +2s

→ npm run typecheck:

> lume@0.3.0-alpha.42 typecheck
> lume typecheck

stash@{0}: On fix-dist-had-no-jsx-types: COMMIT_HOOK_STASH
Already up to date.
On branch fix-dist-had-no-jsx-types
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
  (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)
        modified:   packages/docsifyjs+docsify (untracked content)
        modified:   packages/element-behaviors (modified content)

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
        dist/behaviors/mesh-behaviors/materials/types.d.ts dist/lights/index.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/cameras/CameraRig.react-jsx.d.ts              dist/meshes/Box.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/cameras/PerspectiveCamera.react-jsx.d.ts      dist/meshes/InstancedMesh.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/cameras/index.react-jsx.d.ts                  dist/meshes/Line.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/core/ClipPlane.react-jsx.d.ts                 dist/meshes/Mesh.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/core/Element3D.react-jsx.d.ts                 dist/meshes/MixedPlane.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/core/Node.react-jsx.d.ts                      dist/meshes/Plane.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/core/Scene.react-jsx.d.ts                     dist/meshes/Points.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/core/index.react-jsx.d.ts                     dist/meshes/RoundedRectangle.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/examples/FlickeringOrb.react-jsx.d.ts         dist/meshes/Shape.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/examples/FlickeringOrbs.react-jsx.d.ts        dist/meshes/Sphere.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/examples/LoadingIcon.react-jsx.d.ts           dist/meshes/Torus.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/examples/index.react-jsx.d.ts                 dist/meshes/index.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/index.react-jsx.d.ts                          dist/models/ColladaModel.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/layouts/AutoLayoutNode.react-jsx.d.ts         dist/models/FbxModel.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/layouts/Autolayout.react-jsx.d.ts             dist/models/GltfModel.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/layouts/CubeLayout.react-jsx.d.ts             dist/models/ObjModel.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/layouts/index.react-jsx.d.ts                  dist/models/TdsModel.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/lights/AmbientLight.react-jsx.d.ts            dist/models/index.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/lights/DirectionalLight.react-jsx.d.ts        dist/textures/TextureProjector.react-jsx.d.ts
        dist/lights/PointLight.react-jsx.d.ts              dist/textures/index.react-jsx.d.ts

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Dropped refs/stash@{0} (186e767e6dbe9593dbb905285d1774b718bfc447)
[fix-dist-had-no-jsx-types d5dd1a23] update cli to fix it from deleting JSX types in dist/, delete unused src/lib/ files
 10 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 618 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/three/
 delete mode 100755 src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSCurve.d.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSCurve.js
 delete mode 100755 src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSUtils.d.ts
 delete mode 100644 src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSUtils.js

In particular I see this:

[STARTED] ./src/**/* — 0 files
[STARTED] ./packages/**/* — 1 file
[SKIPPED] ./src/**/* — no files

and you can see in the git status output some stuff like this:

        deleted:    src/lib/three/examples/jsm/curves/NURBSCurve.d.ts

so I am expecting src/**/* to match. It looks like the packages/**/* pattern is being matched, but the src/**/* pattern is not. I expected lint-staged to fail due to the exit 1 it should run for src/**/*.

Is lint-staged not matching against deleted files?


  • OS: macOS Sonoma 14.1.1 (23B81)
  • Node.js: 20.6.1
  • npm: 10.5.2
  • lint-staged: 15.2.2
Copy link

trusktr commented May 14, 2024

Is lint-staged not matching against deleted files?

Yep, that's the problem. lint-staged is not matching against files that have been deleted. I verified by making a modification to another file in src/, and then it runs the scripts for src/**/*.

This is not good because it means if I delete files in src/ they lint-staged is silently failing to run needed scripts (f.e. a build script needs to update dist/ based on src/).

This can lead to unexpectedly publishing versions of packages on npm with dist/ folder in incorrect state (and most people are probably not going to test deletion-only commits to realize lint-staged is ignoring them).

@trusktr trusktr changed the title lint-staged seems to not detect changed files, skips running scripts lint-staged does not detect changed files, skips scripts May 14, 2024
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trusktr commented May 14, 2024

For now the workaround is I found some other file I could make a change to (without deleting). Now I just need to try and remember this each time I commit; the only reason I discovered it was because I was investigating why the build wasn't outputting certain files, then I decided to test the commit to ensure a version update would include files and discovered the additional lint-staged issue (first my build was discluding some files).

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iiroj commented May 15, 2024

You can try overriding the default --diff-filter option to also include deleted files.

EDIT: from the readme:

--diff-filter: By default only files that are added, copied, modified, or renamed are included. Use this flag to override the default ACMR value with something else: added (A), copied (C), deleted (D), modified (M), renamed (R), type changed (T), unmerged (U), unknown (X), or pairing broken (B). See also the git diff docs for --diff-filter.

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iiroj commented May 15, 2024

We don't include deleted files by default because the most common linters ESLint and Prettier don't really work when supplied paths that don't exist anymore.

@iiroj iiroj closed this as completed May 21, 2024
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2 participants