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chee committed May 30, 2019
1 parent 187f73c commit e15fede
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,507 additions and 0 deletions.
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Amonzo Expronzo

## what is??

this is for chee to make spending money on their American Express card feel like spending money.

i run it on a loop on my server.

it goes like this:

* get the amount of money in my `amex` pot from monzo
* log onto the amex website w/ puppeteer
- get current available balance
- take that off the total available credit to get how much has probably been spent
* if there is more spent than in the `amex`pot, top up the `amex` pot from current account
* send an item into the monzo feed (which sends a push notification)

## how to use

basically don't? and if you do, leave me alone.

that being said:

the script `run` is how you get it started. you'll need to run it in the directory where `get-balance.js` is, because it expects it to be there and i haven't used `dirname $(readlink -f $0)`. run it in a loop. i run it every minute on a server. you'll need to set some env vars:

### environment variables

name | description
------- | ---------------
pot_id | the pot id you will be keeping your card-paying-off money in (find it via [monzo api](
access_token | your [monzo access token](
account_id | your monzo account id
amex_user | your amex username
amex_pass | your amex password
available_credit | the total available credit in your amex account

## disclaimer

* don't rely on this
* don't expect it to work tomorrow
* don't @ me
* pull requests welcome
* actually you can @ me sorry for being defensive
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions get-balance.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
let pup = require("puppeteer")

;(async function() {
let puppy = await pup.launch({
headless: !false,
args: ["--no-sandbox"],

let bone = await puppy.newPage()

await bone.goto(
{waitUntil: "networkidle2"}

await bone.waitForSelector(".eliloUserId input")
await bone.type(".eliloUserId input", process.env.amex_user)
await bone.waitForSelector(".eliloPassword input")
await bone.type(".eliloPassword input", process.env.amex_pass)
// ignore the next three lines
await bone.mouse.move(10, 20)
await bone.mouse.down()
await bone.mouse.up()
await bone.waitForNavigation()
await bone.waitForSelector(".summary-container")
await bone.waitForSelector(
"ul .undefined:nth-child(1) .value-link-inline-block"

let balanceElement = await bone.$(
"ul .undefined:nth-child(1) .value-link-inline-block .data-value"

let availableBalance = await bone.evaluate(
element => element.textContent,

let availableCredit = Number(process.env.available_credit || 3000)

let currentBalance =
availableCredit - parseFloat(availableBalance.replace(/[^.0-9]/g, ""))


await puppy.close()
})().catch(x => {

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