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A quick guide to Alucard Syntax V0.1.0

This document outlines writing Alucard, every expression written here is valid alucard, feel free to type along with the document into the Alucard REPL or a file that you can send over!

New concepts are introduced and iterated upon in later sections.

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;; This is a comment!

;; All what you are about to see are valid expressions to write


These are all valid numbers




This is how we make a constant declaration

(deflex important 5
  "This is a very important value!")

;; we can use the value by just saying


;; In fact we can use many different symbols in our names

(deflex 『perectly-valid』 3
  "This is a perfeclty-valid symbol!")


(deflex √4 2)


Alucard supports full unicode in the names as the last few examples show. In fact most symbols are valid in identifiers, however the following have special meaning and thus can't be used in names

  1. ()
  2. '
  3. `
  4. ,

Meaning Of Special Symbols

This section is for those who are curious about what these symbols mean. It is not necessary to know for the operation of Alucard.

() is function application, and thus we can't name symbols with it.

(+ 1 2 3 4)


Thus ` and ' freeze values, but ` allows some extra behavior, with ,

(deflex evaluated 5)


`(+ ,evaluated 10)

Notice when we type this into the read eval print loop we get back out

(+ 5 10)!

That's because , undos the effect of '.

Lastly, one should avoid | in names

if one ran the last section then


should give back 5. This is because of how symbols are read, they are case insensitive, thus


are all the same symbol, go and type it. |symbol| lets one make a symbol case insensitive.

# also has a special meaning along with '. It is responsible for turning a function symbol into a variable. More on that in the integration section.

Naming Convention

Symbols are typically written in dash-case. To illustrate our point we will write some examples. We will use ' to just print back the symbols given instead of getting the symbol value.




We were already writing expressions before with our numbers and symbols, but lets write some more complex expressions.

(+ 1 2)

(+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

;; (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
;;  ^ ^           ^
;;  | | arguments |
;;  |
;;  The function

The () here means begin a function call, with the first item between the () standing for the function, and the rest of the contents considered the arguments. We will often refer to the arguments like "the first argument", to illustrate the point the following list will make it more clear.

  • Expression: (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

  • The first argument = 1

  • The second argument = 2

  • The third argument = 3

  • The fourth argument = 4

  • The fifth argument = 5

  • The sixth argument = 6

  • The seventh argument = 7

One thing we'll notice if we run this expression is that we get a funky return value like

#<#<REFERENCE +> 1 2 3 #<#<REFERENCE *> 1 2 3>>, this is because there does not exist a circuit interpreter to evaluate alucard expressions as of yet, and so we return the intermediate representation in the alucard language. However, don't let this discourage you from experimenting with sending values to the REPL.

In many cases of doing basic arithmetic over constants we actually want to use normal addition, rather than the constraint version. We can do this by calling into the host language's (more on this later!) function.

;; Here we shoud get back 10!
(cl:+ 1 2 3 4)

;; 8 here!
(cl:+ 1 2 3 (cl:* 1 2))

(deflex vector-size 16
  "The size of the vector for our blake2s compression function")

(deflex work-vector (cl:/ vector-size 2)

More examples on this integration later on.

Declaring Custom Gates

Since Alucard compiles to vamp-ir, a zksnark system over plonkup, we can define custom gates. We can think of a gate as a function that takes and returns alucard values.

(defcircuit my-constraint-gate ((public input field)
                                (private secret-1 field)
                                (private secret-2 field)
                                (output bool))
  (= input
     (+ (* (exp secret-1 2)
        (* secret-2 7)

Let us break down this example:

defcircuit declares that we wish to make a new gate. The first argument to defcircuit is the name, which in this case is my-constraint-gate.

My-constraint-gate acts like any of the + and * primitives we were using earlier.

The second argument

((public input field)
 (private secret-1 field)
 (private secret-2 field)
 (output bool))

is the parameter list and output type declaration to my-constraint-gate.

A good way to view the parameter declaration is as follows:

(privacy wire-name type)


  • privacy can either be public or private.
  • wire-name can be any valid identifier
  • type is any defined type.

In our example, the input wires are input, secret-1, and secret-2. With the two secrets being private.

The last piece of information is the return type in (output bool). any valid type can be used in place of bool.

The rest of the arguments (arguments after the second) are the body of the circuit. We can put any expression in the body. Thus the entire file outside of circuit declarations are fair game!

In this case we've placed the equation

input = = secret-1^2 * 5 + secret-2 * 7 + 5

where the input is constrained to be eual to the equation on the right. In alucard syntax we could have written this like

'(= input (+ (* (exp secret-1 2) 5) (* secret-2 7) 5))

;; Forming this much shorter Statement!
(defcircuit my-constraint-gate-again! ((public input field)
                                       (private secret-1 field)
                                       (private secret-2 field)
                                       (output bool))
  (= input (+ (* (exp secret-1 2) 5) (* secret-2 7) 5)))

We can call our custom circuit much like we've been calling + and *.

(my-constraint-gate 234 (exp 2 31) (* 5 27))

(defcircuit constrain-square ((public input field)
                              (private sec1 field)
                              (private sec2 field)
                              (output bool))
  (and (my-constraint-gate input sec1 sec2)
       (my-constraint-gate input sec1 (exp sec2 2)))) ; sec2^2 = sec2!

If you've been following with editor integration, you should be able to jump to the definition of my-constraint-gate and any value used with the exception of local variables.

Local wire Declarations

Alucard gives a way to name intermediate wires. This is useful when we don't want to repeat ourselves. Let us rewrite constrain-square using this mechanism

(defcircuit constrain-square% ((public input field)
                               (private sec1 field)
                               (private sec2 field)
                               (output bool))
  (def ((constraint-1 (my-constraint-gate input sec1 sec2))
        (constraint-2 (my-constraint-gate input sec1 (exp sec2 2))))
    (and constraint-1 constraint-2)))

We can see it with def, def can be viewed like

'(def ((local₁ value₁)
       (localₙ valueₙ))

where we bind each local to each value, along with a body where the locals are lexically scoped over.

Looking at our actual example we've created some amount of repetition

(my-constraint-gate input sec1 some-sec2-expr).

Alucard itself can't really abstract this out, as it requires writing a local function (closure) that has input and sec1 in scope. However since Alucard is a DSL in CL, we can call into the language to get rid of this pattern!

(defcircuit constrain-square%% ((public input field)
                                (private sec1 field)
                                (private sec2 field)
                                (output bool))
  ;; flet makes a normal function that will not show up in the
  ;; circuit!
  (flet ((call-constraint (var-secret)
           (my-constraint-gate input sec1 var-secret)))
    (and (call-constraint sec2)
         (call-constraint (exp sec2 2)))))

Here we used flet which in Common lisp simply makes a function. In our case we create the function call-constraint which takes the argument var-secret and outputs the my-constraint-gate call that we wanted to remove. Thus, constrain-square%% generates exactly the same circuit as constrain-square!

The one caveat is that we can not return call-constraint, however that is more due to the alucard language having no closure mechanism.

We will see more of the interplay between alucard and common lisp (hereby known as lisp) in a later section. For now we can view it as a relationship where repeat expressions in alucard can be abstracted away by lisp itself.

Type Declarations

The last major building block of the current alucard version is the ability to define custom data types.

A good first example is the point type

(deftype point ()
  (x field)
  (y field))

here we created the type point with a x and y field. Amusingly enough the types of the record fields are themselves fields.

We can make a point like so

;; make a point with the x value being 3 and y value being 5.
(point :x 3 :y 5)

We can access the fields of the record like so

(defcircuit point-constraint ((public point point)
                              (private var field)
                              (output bool))
  (= var (+ (x point) (y point))))

(x (point :x 3 :y 5))

The fields can be accessed by calling the field as a function on the point itself.


It would be remiss not to note that functions, variables, and types all live in different namespaces.

This means the following example is completely fine and valid

(defcircuit make-point ((public  pub-point point)
                        (private sec-point point)
                        (output point))
  (def ((x (x pub-point))
        (y (y pub-point)))
    (point :x (+ x (x sec-point))
           :y (+ y (y sec-point)))))

notice how we have the local variable x and the function x which grabs the x field off of the given point.

This concept also extends to types this is why in the point-constraint example we are able to call a value of type point, point.

Common lisp Integration

Now it is time to talk about the common lisp (hereby known as lisp) integration with alucard. This is the feature with elevates alucard from being a low level language into a decently expressive language.

A good point to look at for integration, is that since alucard is just lisp syntax, we invoke lisp functions the same way as we've been seeing alucard functions execute!

That then begs the following questions:

  1. 『When is the lisp integration useful?』
  2. 『What are examples of lisp functions that are common in Alucard?』
  3. 『What are the limitations/barriers of this integration?』

The first question is answered by how we've used lisp integration in this syntax tutorial so far. Basically the lisp language is useful when there is a problem we can't elegantly solve with top level gates, local variable binding, nor structs.

This can range from:

  • Repeat local patterns
  • Wanting to derive constants
  • Wanting to write the same pattern of code on n different wires.

The list can go on adinfinitium.

In this tutorial alone we've seen the first two bullet points be used.

As for the second question, we see the use of abstractions from lisp like:

  • deflex
  • flet
  • constant numerical operations
  • high level iterators

Yes, the deflex we've seen at the start of the tutorial is in fact just a normal CL lexical variable definition.

The only point not shown off yet is the high level iterators point, and so let us show off this feature!

We want to write a circuit which takes 4 point's. and computes some constraint over them. We can break these points down into pairs, with the first of the pair being the x-y plane the values represent, and the second pair being a 2-d time point in which we represent time as a two-dimensional value.

Thus we shall make the nested point. So that we only deal with two arguments.

(deftype nested ()
  (plane point)
  (time  point))
(defcircuit constrain ((public  nest-pub nested)
                       (private nest-priv nested)
                       (output bool))
  (def ((plane      (plane nest-pub))
        (time       (time  nest-pub))
        (plane-priv (plane nest-priv))
        (time-priv  (time  nest-priv)))
    (= 0
       (+ (* (x plane)
             (y plane))
          (* (x time)
             (y time))
          (* (x time-priv)
             (y time-priv))
          (* (x plane-priv)
             (y plane-priv))))))

We can see that in our constrain circuit we wish to multiple the x-y coordinates together, and adding them all together should equal zero.

We've already seen some techniques which can help the verbosity of this code.

(defcircuit constrain-2 ((public  nest-pub nested)
                         (private nest-priv nested)
                         (output bool))
  (flet ((multiply-points (point)
           (* (x point)
              (y point))))
    (def ((plane      (plane nest-pub))
          (time       (time  nest-pub))
          (plane-priv (plane nest-priv))
          (time-priv  (time  nest-priv)))
      (= 0
         (+ (multiply-points plane)
            (multiply-points time)
            (multiply-points plane-priv)
            (multiply-points time-priv))))))

This is better, but we still see the huge pattern of calling the same function 4 times in a row. Thus we can golf this even further with a few high level iteration abstractions in lisp.

(defcircuit constrain-3 ((public  nest-pub nested)
                         (private nest-priv nested)
                         (output bool))
  (= 0 (apply #'+
              (mapcar (lambda (point)
                        (* (x point)
                           (y point)))
                      (list (plane nest-pub)
                            (time  nest-pub)
                            (plane nest-priv)
                            (time  nest-priv))))))

Here we used quite a few functions from CL. I should explain them all in full.

list simply puts the items into a list

;; make a list of 1 through 5!
(list 1 2 3 4 5)

So we put all our wires into a list

'(list (plane nest-pub)
      (time  nest-pub)
      (plane nest-priv)
      (time  nest-priv))

Next, we use the function mapcar. We know this function from other languages under the name map. In an invocation like, (map f list), map applies f to every element in the list.

In this case we are applying lambda. Lambda is just a function with no name, we could have just as easily said

(defcircuit constrain-4 ((public  nest-pub nested)
                         (private nest-priv nested)
                         (output bool))
  (labels ((multiply-points (point)
             (* (x point)
                (y point))))
    (= 0 (apply #'+
                (mapcar #'multiply-points
                        (list (plane nest-pub)
                              (time  nest-pub)
                              (plane nest-priv)
                              (time  nest-priv)))))))

replacing the lambda with multiply-points. Note that we use #'multiply-points as since functions and variables are in different namespaces the language needs to know we are talking about the function multiply-points.

Lastly we call (apply #'+ ...) on our list. All apply does is call the given function on the given list, to illustrate the point, let us write some examples

(apply #'cl:+ (list 1 2 3 4 5))
;; we get back 15.

(apply #'cl:* (list 1 2 3 4 5))
;; we get back 120.
;; we've practically made factorial!

A good way to visualize it is to just move the ()'s over a bit

(apply #'cl:+ (list 1 2 3 4 5))
;; ==> (cl:+ 1 2 3 4 5)

(apply #'cl:* (list 1 2 3 4 5))
;; ===> (cl:* 1 2 3 4 )

With these functions down, we can see how we got from constrain-2 to constrain-3.

It is somewhat questionable if there is a huge readability boon between constrain-2 vs constrain-3. with that said, when more complex patterns show up in code, techniques like this can help you reduce the complexity of your alucard code quite a bit.

In the future, when alucard has an array type, operations like map which takes a function will be provided by easy to write lisp functions rather than directly in alucard!

Incomplete List Of Useful Functions

We shall end this interactive tutorial by telling you about various useful standard library functions.

NOTE we don't actually have this list compiled yet!

Happy hacking!