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composer require rtippin/messenger

Install Command

  • Installs the base messenger files, publishing the messenger.php configuration file and MessengerServiceProvider.
  • This will also register the published service provider in your app.php configuration file inside the providers array.
  • You will be asked to confirm running this command, as well as an option to run the migrations before completion.
    • If your Provider|User models you are registering in Messenger use UUIDs instead of auto-incrementing integers as their primary keys, add the --uuids flag when installing.
php artisan messenger:install
#If your providers use UUIDs
php artisan messenger:install --uuids


  • If you opted to not migrate while using the messenger:install command above, be sure you run it yourself before using the messenger system.
php artisan migrate

Follow the instructions below for setting up your providers

Messenger Providers

  • Providers are the model's from your application you register into Messenger.
  • For most applications, you will only register your User model.
    • If you had a User and a Teacher model, you can register both models with Messenger, allowing teachers to have their own inbox, and able to message users as a teacher.
  • Your provider models will also use the internal Messenger.php model, which acts as a settings model, as well as allowing reverse searching. More on this below, after registering providers.

Registering Providers

  • Head over to your new App\Providers\MessengerServiceProvider
  • Using the Messenger facade, add all provider models you want to register into Messenger. The default App\Models\User is already preset, you just need to un-comment it.



namespace App\Providers;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use RTippin\Messenger\Facades\Messenger;

class MessengerServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

Implement the MessengerProvider interface for each provider registered

  • Each provider you register must implement the MessengerProvider interface.
  • You should use the included Messageable trait on your providers to satisfy the MessengerProvider interface.
  • Override the getProviderSettings() method on each provider model you register.
  • The alias will be auto-generated if null or not set. When auto-generating, the lower-snake case of the model's name will be used.



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use RTippin\Messenger\Contracts\MessengerProvider;
use RTippin\Messenger\Traits\Messageable;

class User extends Authenticatable implements MessengerProvider
    use Messageable; //Default trait to satisfy MessengerProvider interface
    public static function getProviderSettings(): array
        return [
            'alias' => 'user',
            'searchable' => true,
            'friendable' => true,
            'devices' => true,
            'default_avatar' => public_path('vendor/messenger/images/users.png'),
            'cant_message_first' => [],
            'cant_search' => [],
            'cant_friend' => [],


  • You must implement the getProviderSearchableBuilder() method on providers you want to be searchable. Included is a Search trait that works out of the box with the default laravel User model.
    • You must also ensure searchable in the providers getProviderSettings() method is true (default).
  • If you have different columns used to search for your provider, you can skip using the included Search trait, and define the public static getProviderSearchableBuilder() method yourself.
    • The query builder will be passed, along with the original full string search term, and an array of the search term exploded via spaces and commas.



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use RTippin\Messenger\Contracts\MessengerProvider;
use RTippin\Messenger\Traits\Messageable;

class User extends Authenticatable implements MessengerProvider
    public static function getProviderSearchableBuilder(Builder $query,
                                                        string $search,
                                                        array $searchItems)
        $query->where(function (Builder $query) use ($searchItems) {
            foreach ($searchItems as $item) {
                $query->orWhere('first_name', 'LIKE', "%{$item}%")
                ->orWhere('last_name', 'LIKE', "%{$item}%");
        })->orWhere('email', '=', $search);


  • Allows your provider to be friended / have friends.
  • Set friendable in the providers getProviderSettings() method to true (default).


  • Devices are a helpful way for you to attach a listener onto the PushNotificationEvent. When any broadcast over a private channel occurs, we forward a stripped down list of all recipients/providers and their types/IDs, along with the original data broadcasted, and the event name.
    • To use this event, you must be using the default broadcast driver set by this package, BroadcastBroker, and have push_notifications enabled. How you use the data from the event to send push notifications (FCM, APN, etc.) is up to you!

Provider Interactions cant_message_first cant_search cant_friend

  • Provider interactions, defined in each providers getProviderSettings() method, give fine grain control over how they can interact with other providers, should you have multiple.
  • For each interaction, list the provider classes you want to deny that action from the parent provider.
public static function getProviderSettings(): array
    return [
        'cant_message_first' => [],
        'cant_search' => [],
        'cant_friend' => [],

cant_message_first revokes permissions to initiate a private conversation with the given providers. This does not stop or alter private threads already created, nor does it impact group threads. Creating a new private thread is referred to as "messaging first".

Example: A user may not start the conversation with a company, but a company may start the conversation with the user. Once the private thread is created, it is business as usual!

public static function getProviderSettings(): array
    return [
        'cant_message_first' => [Company::class],

public static function getProviderSettings(): array
    return [
        'cant_message_first' => [],

cant_search Filters search results, omitting the listed providers.

Example: A user may not search for companies, but a company can search for users.

public static function getProviderSettings(): array
    return [
        'cant_search' => [Company::class],

public static function getProviderSettings(): array
    return [
        'cant_search' => [],

cant_friend Revokes permission to initiate a friend request with the listed providers. This permission only impacts when one provider sends another a friend request. Cancelling / Accepting / Denying a friend request, or your list of actual friends, is not impacted by this permission.

Example: A user may not send a friend request to a company, but a company can send a friend request to a user.

public static function getProviderSettings(): array
    return [
        'cant_friend' => [Company::class],

public static function getProviderSettings(): array
    return [
        'cant_friend' => [],

Providers name

  • To grab your providers name, the default method returns the name column from your model, stripping tags and making words uppercase. You may overwrite the way the name on your model is returned using the below method.

Example: Combining two columns first and last for the name

public function getProviderName(): string
    return strip_tags(ucwords($this->first." ".$this->last));

Providers avatar column

  • When provider avatars are enabled, the default column used on each provider models table for the avatar is of type string/nullable named picture.
    • You may overwrite the column name on your provider model using the below method, should your column be named differently.


public function getProviderAvatarColumn(): string
    return 'avatar';
  • If your provider (Eg: User) does not have any "avatar/picture" column, or you wish to add a new custom one for use with messenger only, you may create a custom migration to add your new column (must be nullable).

Example Migration and new avatar column override for User:

//Your migration
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

//User model override
public function getProviderAvatarColumn(): string
    return 'messenger_avatar';

Providers last active column

  • When online status is enabled, the default column used on each provider models table is of type timestamp named updated_at.
  • This is used to show when a provider was last active, and will be updated to the current timestamp when you use the messenger status heartbeat.
    • You may overwrite the column name on your provider model using the below method, should your column be named differently.


    public function getProviderLastActiveColumn(): string
        return 'last_active';

Messenger Model

  • The Messenger.php model allows your providers to have individual "settings", such as online status and notification sound toggles.
  • A whereHasMorph query will be used through the messengers table, enabling your providers search for others through the API.
  • By default, the Messenger model will be created if it does not exist for a provider when accessing the messenger/heartbeat or messenger/settings API.
  • To ensure your providers are kept in sync, it is best that you attach the messenger model yourself anytime one of your providers is created.

Attaching the model to your existing records

  • If you are installing Messenger into an application with existing providers/users, you can use the command below to attach the Messenger.php model to all existing records for each of the providers you registered above.
php artisan messenger:attach:messengers

See the Command's documentation for more information.

Attaching the model on creation

  • When one of your registered providers is created, such as a new User, you should attach the Messenger.php model using one of the methods below:

Using the getter on the facade, we perform a firstOrCreate for the messenger model

Example using a User model

use App\Models\User;
use RTippin\Messenger\Facades\Messenger;

$user = User::create([
    'email' => ''


Using the factory to generate the model directly

Example using a User model

use App\Models\User;
use RTippin\Messenger\Models\Messenger;

$user = User::create([
    'email' => ''


For your model factories, you can implement the afterCreating hook in the configure method to attach the messenger model

Example using a User model factory


namespace Database\Factories;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory;
use RTippin\Messenger\Models\Messenger;

class UserFactory extends Factory
    protected $model = User::class;

    public function definition(): array
        return [
            'name' => $this->faker->name,
            'email' => $this->faker->unique()->safeEmail,
            'demo' => true,
            'admin' => false,
            'password' => 'password',

    public function configure(): self
        return $this->afterCreating(function (User $user) {