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Context length extrapolation

Long text extrapolation refers to the ability of LLM to handle data longer than the training text during inference. TurboMind engine now support LlamaDynamicNTKScalingRotaryEmbedding and the implementation is consistent with huggingface.


You can enable the context length extrapolation abality by modifying the TurbomindEngineConfig. Edit the session_len to the expected length and change rope_scaling_factor to a number no less than 1.0.

Here is an example:

from lmdeploy import pipeline, GenerationConfig, TurbomindEngineConfig

backend_config = TurbomindEngineConfig(rope_scaling_factor=2.0, session_len=160000)
pipe = pipeline('internlm/internlm2-chat-7b', backend_config=backend_config)
prompt = 'Use a long prompt to replace this sentence'
gen_config = GenerationConfig(top_p=0.8,
response = pipe(prompt, gen_config=gen_config)


We use several methods to evaluate the long-context-length inference ability of LMDeploy, including passkey retrieval, needle in a haystack and computing perplexity

Passkey Retrieval

You can try the following code to test how many times LMDeploy can retrieval the special key.

import numpy as np
from lmdeploy import pipeline
from lmdeploy import TurbomindEngineConfig

session_len = 160000
backend_config = TurbomindEngineConfig(rope_scaling_factor=2.0, session_len=session_len)
pipe = pipeline('internlm/internlm2-chat-7b', backend_config=backend_config)

def passkey_retrival(session_len, n_round=5):
    # create long context input
    tok = pipe.tokenizer
    task_description = 'There is an important info hidden inside a lot of irrelevant text. Find it and memorize them. I will quiz you about the important information there.'
    garbage = 'The grass is green. The sky is blue. The sun is yellow. Here we go. There and back again.'

    for _ in range(n_round):
        n_times = (session_len - 1000) // len(tok.encode(garbage))
        n_garbage_prefix = np.random.randint(0, n_times)
        n_garbage_suffix = n_times - n_garbage_prefix
        garbage_prefix = ' '.join([garbage] * n_garbage_prefix)
        garbage_suffix = ' '.join([garbage] * n_garbage_suffix)
        pass_key = np.random.randint(1, 50000)
        information_line = f'The pass key is {pass_key}. Remember it. {pass_key} is the pass key.'  # noqa: E501
        final_question = 'What is the pass key? The pass key is'
        lines = [

        # inference
        prompt = ' '.join(lines)
        response = pipe([prompt])
        print(pass_key, response)

passkey_retrival(session_len, 5)

Needle In A Haystack

OpenCompass offers very useful tools to perform needle-in-a-haystack evaluation. For specific instructions, please refer to the guide.


The following codes demonstrate how to use LMDeploy to calculate perplexity.

from datasets import load_dataset
from lmdeploy import TurbomindEngineConfig
from lmdeploy.turbomind import TurboMind
import numpy as np

# load model and tokenizer
engine_config = TurbomindEngineConfig(rope_scaling_factor=2.0, session_len=160000)
engine = TurboMind.from_pretrained('internlm/internlm2-chat-7b', engine_config)
tokenizer = engine.tokenizer
generator = engine.create_instance()

# get perplexity
text = 'Use a long prompt to replace this sentence'
input_ids = tokenizer.encode(text)
loss = generator.get_ppl(input_ids)[0]
ppl = np.exp(loss)