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File metadata and controls

59 lines (46 loc) · 3.25 KB


I am an amateur, with little time to spend on this project and no experience whatsoever in C++. If you are interested in contributing, I would be delighted to hear from you: please get in touch.

To keep the C++ codebase consistent, I will declare some coding conventions here. This is mostly for my own benefit, but I would ask any contributors to keep to these conventions too where possible.


Naming conventions

  • All variable names are written in snake_case with no capitals.
  • Aim for descriptive names over saving horizontal space e.g temporary_byte_vector is better than tmpvec
  • Prefer named iterators in a loop rather than i; e.g. for (size_t entry = 0; entry < table.size(); ++entry) unless there is no meaningful name to apply.
  • All private data members are suffixed with a single underscore: private_member_
  • All function / method names are written in CamelCase.
  • Class, struct, enum and type names are written in CamelCase.
  • Suffix private methods with an underscore - MyPrivateMethod_();
  • Use descriptive variable names in class method declarations, as these will help document the class user interface. Private methods don't always need a variable name, or can be short descriptive names if preferred.

The following code block demonstrates most of these naming conventions:

// Method to make things OK

std::string MakeEverythingOK(std::string input_string)
  std::string ok_suffix = " is OK";
  return input_string;

// Make the data member OK

void MyClass::MakeAnOKMember_(const std::string& input_string)
  ok_data_member_ = MakeEverythingOK(input_string);



  • Every file begins with the MIT license header
  • Most comments should have the single-line // format rather than /* Multi-line */ type. An exception can be made for large introductory comments explaining the rationale for a class at the top of a header file, just below the license.
  • Prefer verbose comments, even though the naming rules should make the code largely self-commenting. It takes less time to understand what's going on if things are well commented. Of course, we want to avoid being silly with the likes of
return result; // Returns the result

but the general rule is, if it is quicker to understand it with a comment, the comment goes in.


  • Indentation is in Allman style. Yes it wastes vertical space, but I just find it more readable.
  • Indentation is with two spaces. No tabs allowed.
  • The maximum line width is 80 characters. No exceptions.
  • All function definitions are seperated by an 80-character comment line as shown in the snippet above, with a brief description commented below, a line break, then the function, followed by a line break then the next comment line.
  • Class definitions are declared public members first, then private members.
  • The keywords public: and private: in a class definition get a single space indentation.